Anyone use the electronic varmit calls for coyotes? Have some still hunting land in Hampton that is starting to populate with coyotes. Looking for a way to attract them out into the open so I can give them a dose of lead suppliments to make them sterile. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
I prefer steel leg hold,and they work at night,while I get my beauty rest!
you have them lined up posing nice for the camera!! Good Job!! I’m not sure that is the way I want to go. I would hate to trap deer or other animals that may stroll through.
I use to do a lot of trapping with rubber jaw leg hold traps. Caught a lot of yotes, fox, some coons and possums, but never caught a deer. That trap won’t hold a deer. Have caught a few buzzards, hate it when that happens.
I’ve purchased traps for my place too. I’m just waiting until the nearby dog hunting is over to start using them. Seen a few foxes and bobcats lately as well as yotes on the cameras. The permit is $25.
Poly, once you catch them, what is the preferred method of dispatch? Do you do anything with the hide out just dispose?
I’ve only trapped in GA, not in SC, so don’t know the laws there, but GA requires that you to carry a .22 to dispatch trapped fur bearing animals. It is unlawful not to.
And put a clothespin on your nose when you open that jar [:0] I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything worse, not even week old crabs left in the bait tank.
And put a clothespin on your nose when you open that jar [:0] I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything worse, not even week old crabs left in the bait tank.
Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper
Just mice does not have an offensive odor, when was the last time you made a set?
Running traps takes a lot of work, it is definately a commitment. Before my son left home, we ran traps every year. Between the two of us we could manage to get the traps worked each day. We caught a lot of yotes back then. Now we just call them whenever he has a chance to come home. He was home over the weekend and we killed one Yote and a fox Saturday evening. We call with the Primos Turbo Dog. Not too expensive but very effective. I’ll even carry my Turbo Dog with me whenever I go deer hunting. I’ve killed lots of yotes sitting in a deer stand and hitting the Turbo Dog about once every hour or so.
Good Job there Poly Ball!!!
I’ve done a decent amount of calling with varied success. If they’ve never been called you should be able to get some shots. The biggest mistake people make is calling too loud. The first calling sequence should always be relatively quiet in case there’s one close and work your way up. Towards the end, work your way back down to create the illusion that the animal is dying then wait. Set the caller upwind of you because the yote will likely try to circle downwind and won’t be trying to scent you then. I usually take a rifle for the weary ones who stay out far and scope out the situation, but also always have my turkey gun for the dumb hungry ones that run in like a mad man. Kill em all!