Cracker Larry, Godspeed Sir.

We lost a great member. Life is a bittersweet Journey.

This is over in the Beaufort Section. Just wanted to share for anyone that missed this… I think Every member on this sight can find some common ground with the Blessed and Rich life Cracker Larry lived!!! God Speed Mr. Larry Teuton.

Cape Man

Posted - 07/11/2017 : 09:48:42 AM
I just received this from Dori, and she asks that I share it.
I wanted to let you know that yesterday morning my son Chris, Larry’s brother Don, his wife Marian, and I went offshore to fulfill Larry’s request of spreading his ashes out at sea. A long time friend and boat captain, Judy Helmey ,took us out . Larry used to fish with her years ago when he had his charter boat. She had many tales of fishing offshore with Larry and the many crazy things that happen when you run a charter business. We had an outgoing tide and a beautiful morning. Larry is now where he always belonged, riding the waves looking for fish. I always said he had salt water in his veins and that he loved the ocean and boating more than anything else with the exception of family. At least that is what I say out loud, but I think boating/fishing came first and family ran a close second!!
I ask that you either share this email with all his boat building friends or simply let them know that he is out there in his favorite place and that the next time y’all go fishing and catch a big one it may be courtesy of a man who did as much as he could with the time that he had on this earth. The only other request I have yet to fulfill is a big party to celebrate Larry’s life . I have not been in a partying mood, so I have put that aside until I feel like I am strong enough. I will let you know when that happens. Love to all,


What a way to send him out!

Boat Builder

“Why Bruce?”

Thanks Fred.

Can’t wrap my head around why I miss someone I never met. We did PM a decent amount, and I sent him lil’ NutCracker Larry as a gift for his service to our country. CL was definitely a special person, and will be missed by all that knew him…


I did not know Cracker Larry… except for his posts. Many good, informative and helpful information posted for many of us…Thank you Larry…you will be missed.
And take care Larry’s wife, Dori.

[i] Can't wrap my head around why I miss someone I never met.


RBF, same here. Have only spoken on the phone with him and text.


I’m glad it’s not just me. Never met him at all, but I really looked up to him. I was really sad to hear of his passing.

Thanks to Larry and his unselfish advice and freely given directions ( #s ), I now know where to target most species in the B-river area…
RIP Larry ,you are missed and your memory will last longer than the tides that move the waters that you so loved…

George McDonald ; MAD Charleston

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

How about giving Cracker Larry a tribute at the next CFC oyster roast event? Could invite his wife Dori and family to attend… Just a thought…


I too will miss him and feel blessed to have known him and call him friend.
Thought and prayers to Dori and their family

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Wow…my heart sank when I clicked on the link in the first message…rip CL, prayers to your friends and family…like many, I didn’t know you but felt like I did…

What a timely post. As I was getting our boat ready for our trip to Florida, My eyes instantly went to an area on the deck where Larry did a minor repair for me a couple of years ago. It made me smile. Yesterday while driving down to Florida, just as we were crossing over the Savannah river, my 15 year old exclaimed, “Cracker Larry lived up this river didn’t he”? Funny how meeting someone just a few times impacts your life. It was an honor to meet him and I am so glad I did. He is definitely missed.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?