Crap Master

WTB Crab Master Text 803-682-3821 if you have one not being used

I read this as crap master and thought what is that and googled it but just couldn’t figure out what you wtb. They define it, link some similar products.

I just clicked because I wanted to know what (or who) a Crap Master was.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

first post was a typing error looking for a crab Master device that removes the meat from blue crabs. They seem to be out stock on the online sites that I have checked out.

scott butler

i didnt know PeaPod was up for sale

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

I bought mine from HPT a couple years back, have you checked with them?

The real thing there!

I’ve got one… sent you a pm

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
Will Rogers

Originally posted by TheMechanic

i didnt know PeaPod was up for sale

Proline 201WA
Aloha 24ft pontoon (LooneyToon)
Old Town stern with 7.5 johnson

He is requesting you to be ‘bandeded’ as we type…:smiley:

OP…Good luck on finding the crab master, S&A seems like they can help you out!

Fishing Nerd

“skilled labor isn’t cheap, cheap labor isn’t skilled”

I don’t want to start a - - - - storm but if it does not work out with S&A I have one on James Island I would be willing to sell has manual for it as well.