Creating your own streamer brush, and flies

After many hours of watching Youtube on 3rd shift and watching videos of creating your own streamer brush maker I figured I would give it a go. First I made the brush holder, nothing pretty or special but hey it works.

After completing the brush maker, I found a fiber combination I liked and went at it

After the fibers are stacking you spin them

Then use a brush of sort to “fluff” out the fibers

The brushes I created with a few flies tied from them

All the flies I tied from the streamer brushes, for a fly swap I am participating in

This adds a new element for tying and not a difficult contraption to build if you are interested give me a yall and I could help ya. EP makes there own and you can purchase them at Lowcounty Fly Shop and at Charleston Angler. Also Lowcountry Fly Shop sells a dubbing brush maker if you don’t want to fool with making your own, I am sure Scotty would like to sell ya one.

Figured this might give some fellow tyers new ideas

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.

Looks just like an EP brush! Nice work

There is no normal life, there’s just life.

Tarpon 140

Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC

Good Job!

I plan on living forever, so far so good

Egret 167, Etec 130
Wood Driftboat

Yeah Hokie, I took a picture against an EP Brush … Looks EXACTLY like it, a whole lot cheaper too haha, that Fly Tyers Dungeon Water Silk is awesome and $1.75 a pack … a will do another color and take more pictures, I have dark brown and olive, also some Congo Hair in all different colors. Thanks for the input guys

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.

I love EP brushes but they are expensive as hell. What size wire are you using? I’ve never heard of Dungeon Water Silk. Where do you get it?

There is no normal life, there’s just life.

Tarpon 140

Knot the Reel World Fly Fishing LLC

looks good man

Thanks Fish whistle, Hokie pm sent

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.


WOW, nice work!

Thanks man

Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,
goes home through the alley.

You are a really good fly tier i enjoy your posts

Oh thanks Vietvet, but there are a lot better than I on this website, just not everyone post, only if you saw some of the creations I have seen from a few guys. I appreciate all the comments from everyone

experience noun \ik-#712;spir–#601;n(t)s

  1. the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation

  2. that thing you get just moments after you needed it.