Crossed the road at wrong time

Nice size soft-shell turtle at the land where creek crosses road. Those Cowans, lol can really scoot on clear ground. First time for me with soft shell, but heard tasty…

Let us all know which turtles taste the best. I’ve heard the soft shell are the best to eat??

The Son and I saw a big alligator snapper… Opps, now I know we don’t have alligator turtles in S.C. I have to learn to just call them Snapping turtles. Hard to explain to some of our old timers, so I just stay silent. Yep they are still Alligator Cooters. Anyway, it made me think of you.

I haven’t seen her this year, but I’m pretty sure it’s been the same one over the last few years leaving the pond to lay eggs. I believe She is close to 30 pounds…

Hey Fred, just measured 17" front to back of shell. Just added some fresh water to that cooler for it to hydrate…I will for sure post up when we decide about cooking.

I will try to get a whole weight, and let ya know. Guessing 15 plus ish…


DoubleN… Want to hear something fast? A freaking alligator. I was grading a road last week and one ran across. I stopped and meaning to stomp it’s head and have some tail (of course that’s illegal so it was just a thought) I went after it and it acted like a transformer and raised up and took of running in a side to side movement like a legged snake. I couldn’t catch It! Never knew they could run that fast.

Hey, you have my attention, as I would have done the same thing, lol.

Trust me when I say, the folks that know me best call me crazy when it comes to wildlife encounters…


After you showed us your thumb I don’t doubt it!!! It heal up ok?

Left hand ring finger. It’s good but a bit of bulge on both sides of that first joint…scar tissue???


I used to go to bars, oh never mind

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Well, had this soft-shell in a tub. Took the 22 head shot last night, but decided to ice till today.

Head and neck was all tucked inside till he warmed bit…another one with eggs. May used the yellow ones in a piquant tomorrow…white ones, awesome live trap coon bait.

poor pic of meat, but good bit.


Never knock food… but… just not sure on this one… LOL! I need to wait for the wife to leave and shoot a rabbit and cook it for you to get this turtle “taste” out of my mouth.