Cruise out of Charleston

Hey I am taking a 5 day out of Charleston to Bahama. Anyone been on one? I am looking for what options to get and what to pass on.


Take your own booze!

Are you allowed to do that? Or is “allowed” to strong of a word?

I put it in other containers.

Don’t they have booze?

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

They have plenty of booze at exorbitant addition prices. That is why I take my own.

Originally posted by wfree2fish

I put it in other containers.

What other types of containers do you put them in? I heard they check your luggage pretty well. Would putting Capt. Morgan in a cream soda bottle be what you are suggesting, or putting the liquor bottle in something to hide it?

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

We did a cruise a few years back and we put the booze into wine bottles. At that time, each passenger was allowed to bring one bottle of wine each, so the searching for contraband may have been more lax.

15’ Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro