Looking for a shop to make a set of curtains for my Sea Pro 206. Any advise on a shop with a reasonable price and quality work. Thanks for any suggestions.
give us a hint as to where you live. that way we can give a couple of suggestions. thanks
Thanks Cool Breeze I live in Lexington
i have several places for you to at least get quotes. they both do a really good job. Nordans trim shop in w. cola on meeting st. 794-0209 and kathy nordan foster. she is actually randy nordans ex. she also does good work. 808-2982. she is on Rawl road. feel free to tell them that i recommended them to you. i would appreciate it. good luck.
“she is actually randy nordans ex”
It seems to me that one may be able to keep cutting quotes for some time on that.
“No… it’s okay, I know the way out…”
The guys on meat plant rd did sea pro’s work and still have the patterns. They are wholesale but do some cash jobs. They did a great job on mine.
that is Tim Van Newhouse. he does good work but not so sure on the price. give him a call. he is good people. been a friend of mine for over 25 years. ATlantic Coast Canvas