Wanted to take her to the gun club for a match this morning, but she wanted to hunt this evening. GOOD CALL on her part.
6:00 this NICE Buck started coming our way along the swamp edge. She knocked him down with a spine shot from her 357 Mag carbine, but had to shoot him again to make sure he stayed down. She is always cool as ice before shooting, but totally loses it to Buck Fever after making the shot. We stayed in our trees about 20 minutes after he was down, before she calmed down enough to climb down.
Very nice! getting the shakes after the shot and not before …cant ask for anything better! I had to have my son stay in the stand for a bit after shooting one. I was scared he could hold on to the ladder he was shaking so bad.
You’ve taught her well. I know some seasoned hunters that still get the shakes if a big buck comes out. Probably the biggest reason for people missing deer.
It sure is a pleasure to see your girl grow up and all the memories you have made with her. I don’t believe many get that opportunity anymore. I know I have been lacking on spending time with my Grands in the hunting / fishing department. Luckily their parents do a good job! My son had all three of his in the stand, 3-8 years old.