Went out for my first trip this week to get a feel for what the shrimp season might be looking like. Spent 2 1/2 hours mainly scouting the areas I have caught shrimp in the past. First stop had shrimp scattered in tight bunches. Moved to another of my favorite spots and found the same thing. Shrimp were easily identifiable on the depth finder, but were not scattered over a large area. More of a ball or wad here and a few yards away another ball.
Shrimped the incoming tide and ended up with 1/3 cooler. Very encouraged with the quantity and overall size. Had a few cast resulting in 75+ shrimp each cast.
That’s what’s up Deep Hole. Always wondered how you guys set your units up to know if it’s shrimp or not on the bottom.
We netted a full cooler in an hour last Sunday in bulls bay in about 18’ of water, outgoing tide. The shrimp were thick as thieves on the fish finder, a rare occurrence for us. I tried to post a picture of the fish finder showing the shrimp, no luck, errored every time.
You can have people explain it to you, but the best way is to actually go with someone and see them on the fish finder for yourself. I haven’t been in a few years but I have a couple of holes Near Whale Branch that produce. I’ve always looked for some deep drops (20-30’) in a creek and cast on dead low. Trick is keeping your net wide open as it sinks. I taped my net with Black duck tape (I was told the silver would spook them?) Thinking about that they make camouflage duck tape now.
I’m sure there are some Youtube videos on it. When they are there, it’s a quick way to cooler out.
Looking forward to seeing you post some pics of your Sheephead when you get back down this way.
Unfortunately this site is difficult. You can’t upload a picture straight from your phone. You have to upload it to a computer, then rename it something different, then post it here and it works.
I wish it wasn’t this cumbersome but the ADMIN refuses to do anything to help the site users out.
“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017
23Sail, thanks for the insight. Here is the picture of the shrimp on our Hummingbird. Left side above the yellow band. Water depth, temp and location also provided. This is not a secret spot, they may be there tomorrow, they may never be there again.
That’s good to know about Bulls Bay. I hope they come thick for the nets when the season starts. Ready to try my luck
Hey, what’s going on Fred67. How you been? Yeah that is something I am going to definitely learn how to do. Yeah the sheepsheads been calling my name…lol… Time for me to get down and get on me some again…
23Sail, thanks for the insight. Here is the picture of the shrimp on our Hummingbird. Left side above the yellow band. Water depth, temp and location also provided. This is not a secret spot, they may be there tomorrow, they may never be there again.
Appreciate that demasb… So they appear stacked on top of each other in this pic. Am I reading that right demasb?? When I hit the water this season, I definitely will be looking for any signs and clues and try my luck with the deep holing.
I read it that way as well, stacked up. 20 - 30 feet to the left or right and there were no shrimp on the screen. When we were on them the net was full.
I sent you a PM.
2017 Stingray 186cc[maroon][/maroon]
I hit Bulls Bay on 9/6/21 and deep holed an incoming tide at 9'-12'. We also finished with 1/3 of a cooler after 2 hours of throwing the net. We hit the bay roughly 3 hours before high tide and if we had hit it earlier, I believe we would have had better success. Thanks for the report!
Jamie M. Burgess Holy City Woodwork's LLC [url]www.holycitywoodworks.com[/url]
Thanks demasb!!!
2017 Stingray 186cc[maroon][/maroon]