We went out at low tide to shrimp the incoming. Had my son in law and grandson from N.C. down to try their luck. Our first stop had the shrimp stacked up at 18 to 24 feet. Shrimped roughly a fifty yard radius and filled the cooler. Shrimp were solid mediums with VERY few small shrimp caught. It was a perfect day to be out on the water. Taught my son in law who had never shrimped before to throw a 10 foot net and he did 90% of the casting.
I’ve been doing ok in the bay. Tbs I’ve often wonder where to go in the harbor. Any pointers you could share? Thanks.
If it fly's, floats, or, friggs, rent it!
I normally do not shrimp in the harbor due to wind and traffic out there. I have been catching my shrimp locally in the areas river system. I do go to Bulls Bay to deep hole some, but I pick days with low wind forcast to do so, and I never go up there on the weekends.