Deer Memberships

I still have 3 of our 12 memberships available. Still hunting club in ACE Basin along Chehaw River. 2500 contiguous acres. All does you want to shoot. Bucks 4pts or better one side and outside the ears. Property must be seen to be appreciated. Filling fast so let me know as soon as possible if you’re interested.


You should post a review about your club on SC Hunt Club review forums. Would target individuals possibably looking to join a club.

Key West 19’6" CC 115hp Merc
14’ Fast Craft w/ 60hp Merc

There are only 2 spots left. Contact me if interested! The temperature is cooling and the deer will be walking!

Sounds like a great club! Just wish turkeys were included…

…Old Indian word for lousy hunter…

pm sent

Capt, text me at 843 582 1991. I know it’s late to start but I’m interested.