DEF and those that use it

Talking to my supplier Yesterday looks like We are going to have a run on DEF fluid. Not talking about a price hike but actual shortage. From what I understand China has stopped the export of Urea(nitrogen) because of Fertilizer shortages. As I type Australia which imports 80% from china has lost that source. I’m not sure the actual % America imports vs what we produce. This was brought up the first of the year and then silenced. I guess the Johnny Dep trial was more important than another hit on our Trucking Supply line. I’m sure it will be addressed just like the baby formula after it is all gone.

Just something to ponder about along with all the other shortages and price hikes we have seen over the last two years. Shelf life on DEF is over a year if kept out of the sun and high heat. Biggest thing you need to look for is it crystalizing. For those of you out there with diesel vehicles if you have any question about it, pour it through a coffee filter before putting it in your tank.

Anyone out there that uses a bunch I buy in bulk and get it for $1.90 a gallon. (250 gallon minimum) Not sure what they sell the individual jugs for. Used to be $8.50 I’ve got my storage tank up high and gravity feed it to the crew trucks for our off-road equipment. Get it through BlueSky Southeast / Brewer Hendley.

Just add it to the list of crap that plagues the country right now. It will get worse before it gets better with what we have in office right now.

I have something going on with my stomach. Doc wants me to get a CAT scan. But it needs to have contrast.
Guess what?? No contrast maybe a couple weeks I can get a CAT scan.

This is what we get for relying on everything from China.

Old Bobby Goodson told it like it is. The U.S. economy has not hit bottom yet, but it’s headed that way if Biden and his handlers have their way.

Saw your message about DEF, so stopped and grabbed 4-2.5 gallon jugs at Advance.

Good Grief, $100



Crap, that’s expensive DoubleN!! Peterbuilt in Harleyville has it $12.50 a jug… or did.

Thanks for this; I’ll stock up today. Maybe I need to get your hook up. I’d buy 250 gallons to never buy it again. I don’t think it goes bad, does it?

Not your gummit’s fault it’s either Covid’s or Putin’s

but the truth is it was a plandemic by the Uniparty to control God and Country deplorables

FJB and the Uniparty

Ricky, I’ve been told shelf life is 1 year stored out of the sun. 250 gallons for you in that truck of yours would last a couple million mile!!!

Lol i know i know. Maybe DEF DELETE is a better option

I’d get it past warranty first. Old boy in Georgia was posting on FB about doing deletes. They busted his chops pretty hard. The fine is outrageous for the owner and shop doing it. On a Paccar MX13 I know someone that has increased fuel milage from 5.6 to 6.7MPG and roughly 100 more hp. At 100,000 miles a year that is a huge savings and no black smoke. On a dodge 5500 with the cummins 6.7 average fuel milage over 3 months combined driving was 7.3 now it’s 10.6 and the power is amazing. I did not like the straight pipe and put a resonator on it. Not much louder than stock.

Hey Fred, I have 2017 Duramax with the L5P. Love it, but what ya hearing regarding deletes on those??


I hear you’ll love it ten times more. If you do it ask about deleting the EGR as well. the Egr coolers on these trucks are prone to failure from what I’m hearing. The only other issue I’ve heard on the L5p series are injector failures. We’ve had two trucks in for a set. All other warranty issues have been with the aftertreatment system and one locked up brake caliper.

Thanks, only issue was a code that was actually for cylinder one injector.

Took to dealer and reprogrammed and gone in 30 minutes. 53k on it.

Lost my company truck couple years ago due to job change with same company. That’s ok tho, as not getting called all the time after-hours for first time in forever.

Got a 06 accord from MIL that had not been drove in awhile pretty much free…

Other than killing battery, ac issues…

Long short, could not find the drain, turns out door harness for that. MIL says it started after a wreck and door repaired, ugh. Compessor locked up which I could tell. SO bunch of $ later, running up and down the road in it cheaper and keeping miles off the truck.

But, it does pull to the right. So I text her about it and she replies that it started doing that after wreck as well…sheesh fella’s, about to get that checked as there is no tire wear that I have noticed.

So it’s a free, not so free adventure, lol.


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Correction, cylinder one glow plug.

Carry on

6+ months ago, Sphinx @ Jedburg Rd has it in the jug , or at the diesel pump.

Where’s the shortage?