Defensive Pose

Does this qualify?

Or do you think he wanted me to rub his belly?

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

What kind snake is that:question:

The kind that got up on my backporch early this morning trying to stay warm…


He was only about 8" long or so, I removed and returned him to the woods across the street.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

23; I got a call one morning from my house cleaning lady and she said there was a snake in the house! I told her to get the dog and her outside and call 911 and when the cops got there to call back. The next call was from the Summerville FD! They told me it was just a Milk Snake and they let it go in the woods. I told them to go back in the house with the cleaning lady and make a big show of looking for more snakes. They got it! I told the cleaning lady to Never Tell My Wife about a snake in the house. I knew I would have to look for snakes whenever we walked into the house, if she knew about it. This lasted for over a year until we had a dinner party one night. One of the people asked if we had anymore snakes in the house. The news paper printed it. You want to get caught with your mouth hanging open? LOL:smiley:

It’s a rat snake. The subspecies is actually yellow rat snake, but most herpetology nerds (like me :smiley:) around these parts call them greenish rat snakes. They eat tree frogs, mice, and rats, and occasionally a baby bird. They help keep the frog turds off the porches. Harmless and generally docile once you get past the initial bad-snake bluff.

Gotcha Covered,
Lee Strickland
Strickland Marine Insurance Agency, Inc.
843-795-1000 / 800-446-1862

This is what he did just before relocation…

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

dang Ricky!!! you know I hate snakes!!1 why did you have to go and do that??? lol

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

He’s just smiling at you!!

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire

as I look at the pics my python is laying on my lap top climbing on the sceen

Alan Reece.

