Delta variant



Robinette’s Bend Forward

We should all be extremely happy that nothing about covid19 has turned into a political shell game

IM (@ianmSC) Tweeted:
Hospitalizations in Oregon have risen 701% in the past month and a half and are now 76% higher than they were during the winter peak, which raises the all important question: how did Ron DeSantis manage to take over Oregon in early July?

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

What say you?

Stephanie (@StephHoover8) Tweeted:
Okay, so Pfizer jab was “approved”, but did you know that the FDA doesn’t actually do the testing to approve this. The NIH does & the FDA takes their information and bases their authorizations on that data.

So who is the Director of Bioethics at NIH? Funny you should ask…

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

And deeper down the rabbit hole we go. People need to quit taking things for granted and realise that our Government does not always have our best interests in mind. I think mostly the interest is how much money something can put in a politicians wallet or purse.

That’s really eye opening. How can you have a leader of an organization like the NIH have someone like Fuaci with so much money tied up in this making decisions? That is just plain unethical and one would think illegal.

this past flu season I did not hear of a single case of the common influenza. Why is this ? Could it be that everyone with the flu was labeled COVID?

Please read: do not respond to the political forums trouble makers that spew filth and sewage with their name calling and constant insults. It feeds their sickness and harms this site as EF and others have noted Please maintain the shun

Haha, the same ole stupid “where’s the flu deaths” red herring… I have explained this numerous times, but I guess some folks just aren’t smart enough to comprehend it…

Flu deaths are “estimates” and have been for many years… They take a sample and test for the flu and extrapolate it… It’s called the annual flu burden…

Covid deaths are all confirmed via testing, and are recorded on the death certificate as such…

The Delta variant isn’t tested specifically, and it is essentially the same calculation used to determine the flu burden… They test a adequate sample and extrapolate data and develop the metrics…

Not hard to understand for most…


Like so many other things in this country, this “issue” has been poisoned by politicians.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

How about if the vial looks like a little mason jar, and is labeled Moonshine/100 proof… Then, I bet you’d take that shot…:wink:


Yes Sir, that and buffoons’/ trolls with nothing to add. Politicians = Money in pocket no matter the consequences . or so it seems

Adding to the “lie” list, how about the Flu that no one wants to talk about? When you do it’s like you are just “taking away” from this new Corona surge. Just saw that now Corona patients are making up 30% of ICU population. Before Corona the Flu made up 20% of ICU patients, but now it is gone?

To reiterate, I am not any sort of “anti vaccer” and I believe Corona is a real virus, but I am one that likes to know the whole truth, not just bits that our Government and media want me to know. When you think about this thing critically many components are missing and just don’t add up. Factual evidence from the start of this Wuhan bug just don’t add up. At the start we have a Veterinarian being used by the media to say this whole mess came from a BAT or Pangolin from a Chinese wet market. Later we actually have our President admit it may have come from a lab, only to never mention it again. The whole issue with CHina knowing months before and shutting down Wuhan to it’s citizens but not to international travel needs to be addressed and China held accountable along with the WOW being paid off by China to keep quiet. We also know for a fact that Fauci has lied about many of his ties to the research that has lead to this new Pandemic. Was the release from the Wuhan lab an accident? Sure did have the antidote ready to go and staged to make many people a lot richer.

Still a NO! Now, if you’d bump that 'shine up to 180 proof, I’d, strongly, reconsider…:smiley:


Robinette’s Bend Forward

No problem, it’s easy to change the middle 0 to an 8 with a little penmanship… Been doing it since I was a kid in pubic shlooc…:smiley:


Self admitted liar, thief, and truth spinner his entire life.

This is why we keep the Shun.

Screw him


Lil EF’er… It’s interesting that since you are a joke, you can’t get one…


Real leadership

Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) Tweeted:
Early Treatment Saves Lives: “Within six hours of having the [monoclonal antibody] injection, I started to feel a difference.” – Melissa Frenyea

To find a treatment location near you, visit:

do exactly the opposite of what ever Fauci and Gates are telling you to do

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

We all need to do some Critical thinking and stop believing all the lies from the main stream media and our Government.

Everything we here about vaccine mandates and wide spread covid is being told it is the Delta Variant. Critically thinking this is a Huge Lie. How can they know? There is NO test for the Delta Variant other than genomic sequencing which is done on less than 1% of the population and even then the cases are not all delta covid. More critical thinking for over 50 years the flu has killed and average of 40,000-80,000 every year. Look to 2020 and now 2021, what happened to the Flu? Just added to Covid to exaggerate the numbers. Our government states our ICU’s are 30 % covid cases (not sure I believe that, but ok) All years prior the Flu made up 18 -24% of ICU cases so a critical thinker and someone with eyes open would figure covid is only adding 6- 12% of cases.

Let’s dig deeper and look what happened at the FDA. Two top officials after stating this vaccine is not ready for mass use and especially not for Children resign after Our President ignores the science. What’s the end goal Joe and friends? Why has your administration been so hell bent on infringing on America’s Freedom? Marxism ramping up?

Our President is wanting MANDATE our Children take a vaccine for a supped up cold that takes less then 1% of chilere3ns lives, when the vacine is taking 8% of lives?! Numbers on Covid vaccine deaths are obscure, but it is a real thing. This vaccine, as of June 23, 2021, VAERS has received 118,902 reports of serious adverse events and 3,544 deaths. That’s about 30 a day as of now.

In the European Union, the EudraVigilance system had as of July 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines, including 7,766 deaths!

Let’s not for get Israel, the Worlds most vaccinated country, Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. No

Haha, now a covid vaccine is communism… Geez… the rampant stupidity is running wild here…


What difference does it make if I get a vaccine or not? I would like to know that also Fred .I’m always getting cut and bit by some critter,pretty sure a little gator broke one of my fingers the other day.It got swollen and drained out pus for a week but I didn’t go to the doc. I eat everything in the woods and drink Evan Williams daily,right now I’m gorging on persimmons.Bottom line is my body knows how to attack anything that attacks it. I don’t need no shot and my old Fox is loaded and ready for any commies or ms13. Don’t pay any attention to RBF,he was caught tearing Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars.

Haha, Wallace was a Democrat… Yep, RBF jump out of his stroller and took care of business…



This one is for Gayrider when he gets all fancied up for the menz on a Saturday night… Ole Gayrider might not tear a stick off the bumper of cars… Butt, he’ll willingly end-up bent over one…