Delta variant

Dick ….
You are a sicko,Bay ain’t gonna bite and you ain’t getting under his skin,bet money on that.haha

Oh you horses a$$…
You beat me to it. New Charlie Daniels done it couldn’t remember the name by the time I found it you’d already posted it up…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Haha, Gayrider ain’t a biter, and that’s why them ole biker boyz enjoy him… He’s a “pass piece” for them… Circle up at a rally, have remembrance about prison, and pass ole Gumrider around…


sman, you’re gonna give EF’er another 13 year old girl fit… How’s EF’er to explain you suck up to RBF when you’re bashing me now…

Poor ole EF’er… His little mutt Shunkey is in for a “rough” Sunday afternoon with EF’er riding him again for the forth time this week… Talk about a sicko…

Keep up the insults, RBF digs them…


How is a vaccine better than Nature immunity?! It’s Not!! But the Government still wants to MANDATE those with natural immunity to get Vaccinated!!

Well folks, I try to be sincere in everything I post , shame this World has such garbage and Trolls in it. People, don’t believe me, do your own research. There is NO test for the Delta variant (except genomic sequencing), so how do they know this is the new reality of covid? They don’t. What happened to Biden’s promise to find out where it came from?. He even suggested Wuhan… What happened Joe? Your Handlers rein you in?

Old Joe, Pelosi and friends told the entire World “we will never have a MANDITORY vaccine”. Well just more lies, heaped upon other lies.

Our President, his cronies, and his handlers are all hypocrites and liars. Left, right, independents, white, brown, black, green and purple people of this country need to unit and put an end to all the corruption going on in our Government under Biden’s leadership. (Well maybe not Biden’s leadership, but those controlling him).

“So here’s the thing: We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do, it is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t. I can’t go to the Capitol physician and say, ‘Give me the names of people who aren’t vaccinated so I can go encourage them to,’ or make it known to others to encourage them to be vaccinated,” </font id=“red”> SO Sayeth the Spider.

Fauci is a pathological liar end of story

Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) Tweeted:
The Pfizer trial itself showed no benefit from the vaccine for those who had evidence of prior infection. @CDCgov has been lying about those trial results since last December.

Since he’s been caught in another lie, Fauci seems reluctant, even on CNN, to perpetuate the CDC lie.

Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) Tweeted:
Dr. Fauci on why Americans who’ve previously been infected should get vaccinated despite studies showing it’s unnecessary: “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that”

If the vaccine??? is the answer why exempt congress, their staff and postal workers? Sounds more like shoveling Obamacare down your throat while they have Cadillac health care programs for themselves.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Put that in your pipe and smoke it RBF . Haha.And quit posting nasty stuff,nobody wants to hear that kind of talk.

Haha, the covid vaccine and masks are just Darwinism at its finest… The stupid unvaccinated folks will die at a higher rate… Might as well just reclassify it from covid to “death by suicide”… Should help the Dems in the 2024 election as there won’t be as many radical right crazies left by then…

Alfredo, if natural immunity is so great, go out and get you some… Not hard to find some sick folks to get it from… Since you claim you aren’t afraid and don’t live in fear… Suck in summa dat good infected air, and then take all the Hydro and Horse Wormer you can handle… Haha, you’re too much of a coward like Gayrider…


I Claim? No sir, I state the truth. I live with open eyes and wonderment of this earthly plane, I have no fear and know when I leave this realm I have My GOD to embrace through the glory in Jesus. You are the COWARD.

and when I think I finally ignore the bait … I just can’t let trolls spew out such hate and b.s. I live in no fear other than that of our current government. A coward? No sir that would be you. I have nothing to hide and EVERY PM I have stated my name. I’m hiding from nothing Unlike yourself. I still love you. You do realize that NOBODY on this sight likes you except maybe an alias or two? You’ve burned all bridges and walking anything back is of no use, but don’t refrain.

Haha, come on Alfredo… Go suck in summa dat covid infected air and contract it… Until then, you’re a coward…

No hate, just laughter at the stupidity… Some folks learn the hard way… You argued 5 years about stone ground grits not being any better than instant before ever even trying them…

Also, in my opinion it is pure sacrilege to declare you’ll go to heaven… Absolute “virtue signaling” at its grandest… It’s not your choice, only His…


Fred - from what I understand Heaven has a very strict immigration policy - but Hell has open borders

Don’t give an alky liquor . And don’t give attention to a childish attention whore

Please read: do not respond to the political forums trouble makers that spew filth and sewage with their name calling and constant insults. It feeds their sickness and harms this site as EF and others have noted Please maintain the shun

Yep, and Drumpf supporters better repent repeatedly… Already “behind the curve” for sure… Untimely death from covid, and…


Please read: do not respond to the political forums trouble makers that spew filth and sewage with their name calling and constant insults. It feeds their sickness and harms this site as EF and others have noted Please maintain the shun



Haha, come on Alfredo… Go suck in summa dat covid infected air and contract it… Until then, you’re a coward…

No hate, just laughter at the stupidity… Some folks learn the hard way… You argued 5 years about stone ground grits not being any better than instant before ever even trying them…

Also, in my opinion it is pure sacrilege to declare you’ll go to heaven… Absolute “virtue signaling” at its grandest… It’s not your choice, only His…


I appreciate your thoughts Fred. Regardless of what the troll says, we as Christians should know where we are going {John 3:16} and share our faith with the lost.

My question for you Fred is this : What does the troll want ? are we to bow down and agree with everything he/it believes? or do you think they make a sport of being irritating and obstinate? It seems that they /it would argue with a brick wall about the color of the mortar. Whats up with this? My thoughts are this - Internet bullies in my experience are weak people with nothing to do . They have to carefully protect their identity and hide their true self from the on line world. Who knows? They could be disabled people that can only sit at the keyboard all day and fling insults to make them briefly feel better about their selves . At any rate it is clearly a destructive terrible character defect. Most of us here make no effort to hide in the shadows. I person

Fred - from what I understand Heaven has a very strict immigration policy - but Hell has open borders

Don’t give an alky liquor . And don’t give attention to a childish attention whore

LOL, that’s pretty good.

Someone telling others to repent? What a joke. Natureboy, I haven’t a clue as to why a Troll gets his/her/it’s jollies off kicking the proverbial Ant nest. I guess to each their own, You and I fought for their rights, even if many of them hate the military.

Why our entire country can not come to common grounds and put Biden up on Treason charges is beyond me.

Haha, come on Alfredo… Go suck in summa dat covid infected air and contract it… Until then, you’re a coward…

No hate, just laughter at the stupidity… Some folks learn the hard way… You argued 5 years about stone ground grits not being any better than instant before ever even trying them…

Also, in my opinion it is pure sacrilege to declare you’ll go to heaven… Absolute “virtue signaling” at its grandest… It’s not your choice, only His…


Another lie from you. Never argued for 5 years, it was over one topic and about 1 week. I said you can’t tell the difference between stone ground and instant. I got some stone ground from Round O feed supply and apologized as I could tell a difference to the better. Just more of your twists and exaggerations. Leave the play ground, nobody likes you.

We all breath in Covid infected air every day, even those still choosing to wear a mask. It’s here to never be put back in the box. Get the immunity for it and move on. Less than 1% of all that get Covid will have it bad. If nothing else, at least Covid destroyed the Flu. I thought about the vaccine and getting it. It will be a cold day in Hell now that Dictator Biden has Mandated it.

More People need to ask questions. For starters How can our Government, Media and School systems say this new “surge” is the Delta Variant when there is no current test for it?

John Cawley (@cawley_john) Tweeted:
High BMI (#obesity) is associated with worse #COVID_19 outcomes - significantly higher risk of hospitalization, ventilation, and death. Why? Obesity causes inflammation, which impairs immune function, and decreases lung capacity.

Source: Kompaniyets et al. 2021 @CDCMMWR

Can we go back to raising sugarcane the corn lobby is killing Americans?

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21