Delta variant

Shouldn’t the Biden administration be asking DeSantis for advice on how he stopped the CCP virus in Florida and shouldn’t Jen Psaki show the public how DeSantis has done everything right, admit Biden’s failures then adopt DeSantis’ policies in order to build back better? That’s really what Americans want right?

Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) Tweeted:
Average new COVID cases per capita in Florida are now the lowest of any state in the continental United States with no political coercion or mandates.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

That would be cool Bay, a fantastic idea at the least. But, it would not fit the Biden’s narrative of control over Freedom. FJB

Remember when the Biden administration was attacking Florida’s governor?

Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) Tweeted:
Well it’s official, Florida currently has the LOWEST per capita COVID cases among the contiguous 48 states.

Looking forward to the next batch of DeSantis media coverage that’s sure to be coming soon…

the Biden administration must fire Fauci immediately and let DeSantis tell them how to run America

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

My wife’s doctor prescribed her hydroxychloroquine ( damnned if I know that I spelled that right or not) for her lupus the other week… He had to fill out paperwork to accompany the prescription that said he was not prescribing it for the chink flu.When she went to pick up the prescription she had to fill out paperwork stating the same.
He’s also got her taking zinc and high doses of I believe vitamin d or may be b.
All the pharmacy is allowed to give her is one week dosage at a time. WTH!!!
My boss had covid went to Thailand’s medical center they told him he was not old enough or sick enough for anything. Go home…He was sick for over 2 weeks.
His neighbors 18 year old son went to the same clinic 4 days later with covid. And they prescribed him something and he was better in just a couple days.
Tell me this ain’t political.
Need to listen to Bob before it’s too late…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

That song is probably more relevant in America today than when he first recorded it. Bob had/has some good songs.

Joe and Friends have fooled many, but not all. I still want to know the end game for the massive mandate for an Experimental vaccine. And yes it is experimental, even Fauci says so. Fauci said a year &o 1/2 that it would be almost a decade before this thing hit stage III approval. Folks, this vaccine (while our government says it is ok) is still in Phase I approval. WHat will be the long term effects from all the Guinee pigs that were coerced into taking it? THose making Billions on this vaccine don’t care about you or if it is safe.

One last one, JOE BIDEN recently was on national news saying that the Vaccine would Prevent Covid, if you get the vaccine you WON’T get Covid! WTF! Get up stand up, for your rights. Why is Joe not called out for his many lies?

If I have offended anyone that has taken the vaccine, I apologize. Just speaking my mind. My wife and most of my family have done it, but I don’t think they realize the whole truth and trust our Government too much.

Contrtol vs Freedom.

You vote for this?

Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:


“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

For staff NCO that has over 10 years in the Marine corps to give up her career speaks volumes… & that young lady sounds like a real badass. To have been a drill instructor, water survival instructor & a marshall arts instructor.
I have a couple cousins in the Marine corps. Neither one of them will take the shot

That water survival training is no joke scariest thing I ever done in my life.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Biden would clean her clock or are you forgetting he beat up Corn Pop who’s one bad dude?

Biden says it’s the military that’s a super spreader so they got to get jabbed case closed

Biden says we gotta do more for the illegals because they matter more than jar heads

You’ve gotta lower your expectations

Let’s Go Brandon!

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Here’s the lying POS that’s responsible

X Strategies LLC (@XStrategiesLLC) Tweeted:
May 12: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute”

May 26: “That is correct” that the NIH never funded gain of function

July 20: “I have never lied before the Congress and I do not retract my statement.”

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Fauci for President! (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN - Fauci’s NIH division partly funded a lab to drug dogs and “lock their heads in cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive.”

Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) Tweeted:
The most ironic thing is 760,000 Americans are dead likely because of Fauci’s well funded science experiments but he’s going to end up retiring because the public got outraged over a few Beagles.

If he could do this to puppies just think what he’d do to BLM/Antifa rioters, kid touchers, transgender’s rapes in bathrooms, corrupt politicians, propaganda media, Hunter, election fraud, on and on and on…

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

First do no harm
Second re-purpose approved drugs

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

i wonder how many other existing drugs work to treat covid? Those pushing the jab don’t want anyone to realize we have drugs that treat covid, but are often times denied to patients.

Heavy D opened up a can of whoopass on Joe the day after he was illegitimately installed

Christina Pushaw :crocodile: (@ChristinaPushaw) Tweeted:

Christina Pushaw :crocodile: (@ChristinaPushaw) Tweeted:
They are so mad that Florida has the lowest case rate in the country WITHOUT MANDATES.

Stay mad.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

A New group that started …

Let’s go Brandon!!!

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Communist California which is the model set for the rest of the country.
Restaurants are required to check vaccination status of the customers before they are served??? Ain’t this how Nazi Germany come into power???

We the people need to stand up to these brown shirts that come around to enforce this. I believe s man said it best pitchforks and torches…
Massresistance is the only way to combat this.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

Now why would your government change a definition?

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Israels study on 2,5 million people is stating the vaccine is now only 16% effective on Covid 19. IS this because it has mutated just like the Flu always has? Get the jab if y’all want but I’m still waiting for it to hit stage III approval. Out of those 2.5 million those that received the vaccine are 7 times more likely to get covid again than those that have already had covid. Why the push for those that have had covid to get the jab?

Y’all notice we are not hearing so much from Fauci in the news now that it has been found he is a sadistic torturer? Wonder cutting all those dogs vocal cords so they couldn’t hear them whimper out in pain while slowly being tortured to death might have actually hit a nerve with the left?

A MANDATE from our President Joe to get a Vaccine for a flu bug that is 99.87% survivable is just ludicrous. And even more Ludicrous is the fact We are allowing this. Control vs Freedom folks. Socialism at a prime example, right here in the good old U.S. A.

can you show a source? i can’t find that study and that is interesting.

B.O.A.T. Bust Out Another Thousand!

here ya go. eyes open. A vaccine is not what we need… we need herd immunity. Natural selection my friends.

got to get away from Google. Duckduckgo or some other search engine. mojeek, startpage searx…

i didnt post the 13X one… figured i go on the low side with 7X

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) challenges HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates and says the science is against Biden when it comes to naturally acquired immunity for those who have already had COVID-19.

“The science is against you on this. The science is clear. Naturally-acquired immunity is as good as a vaccine,” Paul said. “This isn’t an argument against the vaccine, but it’s an argument for letting people make a decision who already have immunity.”

“Mr. Becerra, are you familiar with an Israeli study that had 2.5 million patients and found that the vaccinated group was actually seven times more likely to get infected with Covid than the people who had gotten Covid naturally?”

Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) Tweeted:
Perhaps my personal favorite, from the @SunSentinel published Sep. 28, 2009:

“There’s no proof they work and can impair breathing,” they say of surgical masks.

so if a N95 won’t do it how’s that piece of fabric gonna?

Stop the madness :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21