Delta variant

Haha, yep… Alfredo still lying about grits and covid…

Yes, you argued for many years as even you have acknowledge before…

Yes, there are covid tests that identify the Delta variant… It is call sampling, and then extrapolation to the population… Same concept as they have used to estimate the Flu burden for many years…

Remain in your obstinate and ignorant world, and it may cost you your life…


There is a test for the Delta variant—but it’s not something you or your doctor has access to. “There is no commercial test for the Delta variant,” Amesh A. Adalja, MD, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tells Health. The Only way to know is through Genomic sequencing, done in less than 1% of samples.

I’m an individual that does not accept a Doctor dealing with my body telling me things like " a strong likelihood ".

Yep, just as I stated a million times… DUH!!! Sampling, just like all flu deaths are reported… Sample, and then apply percentages to the population… Guess they didn’t have statistics in your 4 years to get a 2 year business degree program…

“Instead, what happens is that a “selected sample” of positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are “further studied to look for the characteristic mutations of the Delta variant,” Dr. Adalja explains.”

You’re arguing stone ground grits again…


Yep, just as I stated a million times… DUH!!! Sampling, just like all flu deaths are reported… Sample, and then apply percentages to the population… Guess they didn’t have statistics in your 4 years to get a 2 year business degree program…

“Instead, what happens is that a “selected sample” of positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are “further studied to look for the characteristic mutations of the Delta variant,” Dr. Adalja explains.”

You’re arguing stone ground grits again…

Doctors say you really don’t need to be tested for the Delta variant
“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter,” Dr. Russo says. “Whether you’re infected with the Delta variant or another one, it’s not going to affect how you manage the illness.”

Dr. Schaffner agrees. “We don’t have the capacity to test everyone for the Delta variant now, and we don’t need to,” he says.

Ultimately, knowing which positive COVID-19 tests are from the Delta variant is for public health surveillance and tracking, Dr. Russo says. “It’s important from a public health point of view, but from a personal point of view…there’s no significant reason that you need to know which variant you have,” he says.


Covid Cult news updates

Justin Hart (@justin_hart) Tweeted:
A reminder that 40% to 90% of positive covid tests carry no live virus. A PCR test can pick up covid at 5 days or 75 days.

Justin Hart (@justin_hart) Tweeted:
Consider the illogic…

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Gayrider… You have any crazy conspiracy theories and wacko radical right wing BS about the Pox?

You wished a pox upon my family because I showed you are a fool here… When is it supposed to be arriving at my home… I don’t appreciate unannounced guests…

You move the goal posts more than the election lies that Drumpf will be reinstated due to election fraud… Haha…


Fred and I knew this which is why we refused to wear a face diaper and there’s zero science they worked

Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted:
Masks are a form of psychological warfare. If you wear one, you are demonstrating your mental deficiencies and perpetuating a lie. You are triggering anxiety and hysteria among psychologically vulnerable people, including children. Stop wearing them if you care about people.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Bay, I’ve got a good friend who’s wife is deaf. I don’t think people understand just how devastating it is for a deaf person in todays mask crazy society. Even for myself when I don’t wear my hearing aids I catch heck understanding a mask wearing person.

We’ve known from the start no mask will stop an air born Virus. Of course a mask will retain snot and spit spread for a short time, but our kids sitting for hours in a class room?! A mask WILL not protect in this situation so why even push them? How can a teacher properly teach kids with out the ability to sound out words and such? Just imagine a class of 14 “special Needs” children and trying to keep masks on them. My wife deals with this daily and it is ludicrous.

I was so relieved to walk in a store and actually see peoples faces agian, now the fearmongering is back and so many are back to hiding behind a mask. I hate it.

I hear ya Fred :joy: I didn’t know I was such a great lip reader until the Fauci fake help mask came to be

Justin Hart (@justin_hart) Tweeted:
Can you imagine the absolute sh*tstorm that would ensue had Trump droned 7 kids whilst exiting a war & leaving behind a country-sized armory & then spent his days lecturing the American people on how he was losing his patience while vaccine officials quit b/c he was interfering?

Been reading some major companies are having employees threatening to walk out because of tyrant vaccinated mandates and are reversing their positions so Joey has a problem. And why are congress and staff exempted from the jabs if they are the safest cure all ever?

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Listen to the scientists

Emerald Robinson :latin_cross: (@EmeraldRobinson) Tweeted:

Bojomomma22 (@bojomomma22) Tweeted:

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21


every time Biden messes with Heavy D aka DeSavage Biden ends up with a full Depends :joy:

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Friend of a friend’s mom got the monoclonal antibody treatment after being tested positive. No vaccine and day after treatment headache and chest congestion went away. All good right now, just short of energy. My neighbor, his wife and two children all got the woohoo bug. They both were vaccinated and got mild symptoms both kids were not vaccinated and only stuffy nose and headache for a day . All better now. He did take Ivermectin but the wife wouldn’t, he got over it twice as fast. Maybe just coincidence.

I want to know what our government is trying to condition us all for. Why mandate a vaccine for a flu bug that has a 99%+ survival rate? And then the government offers money and other incentives to take it?! Why not free insulin or why not a push to make all Americans stop smoking and drinking. For Both of those alone the death rate is a million times higher than covid offers.

This changes daily, but here ya go… and the government wants to force this on our Kids!! Maybe after a couple of years to actually see some short term effects, or better yet 3-4 years to see a little long term effects from this vaccine that was not designed to protect against the delta variant.

0 - 19 years, 99.997%

20 - 49 years, 99.98%

50 - 69 years, 99.5%

70+ years, 94.6% In this group, I would imagine even though case was labeled as covid, it was an underlying condition that caused the death.


Laurence Fox :v:t3::uk::v:t3: (@LozzaFox) Tweeted:
Please take a moment out of your day to watch this extremely important public service video.


Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:
Preschool teacher films herself singing cringey mask song to masked toodlers

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Let’s go Brandon!

Five Times August (@FiveTimesAugust) Tweeted:
Here, I fixed Fauci’s Christmas message.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

The facts are interesting and anything that doesn’t support their vaccine narrative isn’t published.

You aren’t hearing about the COVID problems in Israel where 90+ are vaccinated. Surprise, their hospitalization rates are similar to ours. Huge indication that the vaccines aren’t too effective.

In India Ivermectin has been used for 45+ years, primarily due to poor water quality and poverty. There is a shortage of vaccine doses. They are divided into States and the States can make their own decisions much like the


If you research, for those that do, Moderna started before any vaccines were given with a WHOOPING 1 billion net worth. ()wonder who the investors were?) In 6 months they are worth 166.26 BILLION… In August. I’ve searched everywhere and no new numbers, but with the booster being “needed” it is only going to rise.

Why does our POS President want to Mandate that those that have already had Covid get the JAB? According to Science Those that are vaccinated are 8X more likely to get covid than those that have had it. SO WHY THE PUSH TO MAKE THIS CLASS OF CITIZENS TAKE THE JAB?!

So many need to wake up and see the truth in the Money Biden and Friends are making on forcing the Jab

There has to be some legal recourse for Biden forcing Workers to take the Jab or be fired. I have no clue to legalities on this issue, but I’m studying.

Thanks for posting Blueskyguy, I believe this once great site is falling fast. I’ll not give up on it yet.

In a real world Fauci funded covid makers would never breathe free air again

The Telegraph (@Telegraph) Tweeted:
:red_circle:Scientists from Wuhan and the US were planning to create new coronaviruses that did not exist in nature, it has emerged.

Proposals show they planned to combine the genetic codes of other viruses

Thread :arrow_down:

Look at what they’ve caused

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Bay, I couldn’t read your link unless I did the trial thing… but here is one that explains the same from 10 hours ago.

I want to see accountability. This whole vaccine thing is nothing but the great rape of the world and the ground work for the Great Reset.

Just watched a video of Fauci telling everyone that the “new” mrna would not be ready until stage 1,2,3 were complete. He stated that would be a decade in 2019. Wake up everyone, we are constantly being lied to.

Don’t kneel choose a different path

Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) Tweeted:
I know. I know you don’t understand. People like you will never understand. There is no level of corruption, dishonesty, misery, or death that would make you question your masters. You’re born to kneel. There are many like you. Some of us choose a different path.

Andrew Gleinser (@AndrewGleinser) Tweeted:
Truly don’t understand the “I do not bow to tyrants” stance. The government wants you to get a vaccine, which is both for your own good and the good of all of society, and your response is “you can’t tell me what to do!” Absolutely moronic.

“ RBF aka Shunkey, Porch Dick, John Weaver, quite frankly you are full of schitt. In my opinion you are primarily to blame for the degradation of this particular fishing website. You dilute this place with your incessant desire to be relevant by posting constantly whatever cut and paste cartoon or quip you dig up only God knows where just to be "heard". It really must be miserable where you are, if not for you then for those around you.” EF 4/27/21

Biden said it himself Bay, It’s not We the people, it’s We the Government.

and here is our President saying he wants to go door to door to make sure all get the vaccine for something that is 99.87% survivable.

Tulsi Gabbard on it… she gets it. Every member of congress has taken the same oath as myself to defend and uphold our Constitution. I take an oath serious, many do not. I wish Tulsi was in Biden’s shoes. She never had a chance as she could not be controlled by the puppet masters.