
Found out today a longtime friend and coworker committed suicide yesterday. I knew he had been down. He had talked to me before. Just had no idea it was this bad.

If you are depressed or having thoughts, talk to someone. It doesn’t have to be someone you know. Go to the county mental health clinic. Go to your doctor. Don’t let it spiral.

I mean it. I don’t care you are or what our relationship is. Get help. God bless his wife and children. I don’t wish this on anyone.

That’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that. Suicide is an all too present player in everyday life. We lose 22 Veterans every day to suicide. Sadly for most, the hardest part is admitting you need help. Actually asking for help and/or talking to someone can be equally as hard. The hole is never as deep and as dark as it seems but it’s hard to tell that from the bottom of it.

I’ll definitely be praying for his wife and children and for you too.

“…be a man and PM me.”

I had a good friend that committed suicide not that long ago. Still think about them.

Ya know, it must be nice living in Neverneverland. Remind me to come visit you, when I need a break from reality.

7CS, Sorry for the loss of your friend. Good advice and thanks for sharing.

I had a similair situation with my cousin a couple of years ago after he fell into deep depression after some life changing events. Fortunately, he was found alive, barely, and they were able to save him and he is doing well.

We grew up together and he was one of the most confident, head strong and smartest people I knew. When I flew up to visit him a few months before his suicide attempt he was not himself at all. Looking back, I see many signs I wish I would have picked up on showing just how depressed he really was.

This can happen to anyone!.. and there is nothing shameful or weak about seeking help. Ironically, he was getting “help” at the time. but it was later determined that the meds he was on were actually contributing to his depression. These are powerful mind altering drugs and can affect different people in different ways. If you know anyone being treated for depression, keep a close on eye them and conscious of meds they are taking and how it seems to be affecting them… particularly whenever any changes are made.

With all that said, the good news is, I talked to him over the holidays and he is back to his cocky ass self again. LOL

'07 198 DLX Carolina Skiff
DF90 Suzuki

So sorry 7

Only time I could possibly understand it would be in a terminal person with no chance and in severe pain. Never know when it’s just a cry for attention or the real thing. Had a co-worker do it, I always thought about how selfish he was for putting his wife and kids through the ordeal.

Sorry for you and your friends family 7cs.

Sorry that happened. I’ve known a couple that went out that way.

My sister used to work for a Mental Health Clinic. She said the ones that called never did it, its the ones that don’t.


Sorry 7cs - and thanks for the reminder. Have a few folks to call and check in on.

I am sorry to hear about that.
I suffer from depression and anxiety,luckily I have some one to talk to.

Double D.

His dad died today. Guess it was more than he could take.

If you are down, please get help.

This is so tragic and sad. I cant imagine the pain this family is going through.

Striperskiff is spot on. A common side effect of many common prescription drugs is depression. Make sure each of your drs and specialists know all medications you take. I keep a card in my wallet of each medicine and dosage I take, and share with each of my drs

Fred…If you have never had it, then you cant understand it.

Originally posted by Redstripe

Fred…If you have never had it, then you cant understand it.

Fair enough Redstripe. Has to be a powerful terrible thing for a man or woman to take their own life.