Discussion on "vote" taking on cfc admin?

Recently we were asked to vote for a solution to an issue on Trolls trolling and disrupting threads made on this site. One solution was to remove Politics from General population because it seemed that was where they congregated the most. This has proven not to be the case. When the Trolls were denied access to Politics they just branch out in other areas. No one has given us an answer as to why these disruptive members are not deleted. We know aliases can be deleted, therefore it should be no different for anyone to be deleted. Snickers. Look guys and gals, the few left here have been on this sight for many a year and most of us have recommended this sight to countless other to glean information about fishing areas, baits, tides, times, specific species and the like. At a bare minimum it seems admin would look out for all of us stragglers and remove the garbage for us. Not just pussssy foot around moving threads from this section to that section. When the trolls start trolling and strike on a legit informative thread that has comradery all over it, don’t move it let admin see the truth in how destructive to this sight the trolls are.

I’ll disagree with each and everyone on this site from time to time, but prove me wrong and i WILL apologize and admit it. A few but not many on this site can say that. Disagree with me, argue with me, call me an ignorant red neck or azz hat, but at least have the stones to discuss your point of view rather than troll hiding behind your keyboard. Admin none on this site deserve the trolls you knowingly allow on here.

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I generally do not support censorship if a person is merely expressing their opinion but, there are a few folks that come here for the sole purpose of being jerks. They add NOTHING positive to the site. I agree with Fred. This site is struggling to survive and the presence of trolls does not help.

BAN THE TROLLS and make this place a better, more friendly site.

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Yep! I made as post a day or two ago, wondering why Admin was going through the trouble of changing the TL3 protocols to let “every active member” into the Politics Forum?
Seems like it would be easier to hit the dump button on a few “active members”?

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One solution creates another problem :thinking:

because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know - Rumsfeld

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. - Frederick Douglass

Who polices the Police?

The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe; for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.

— Turkish proverb.

I don’t come on here for politics, so I just dismiss them. I feel like if it’s your thing to hop on a fishing forum and chat about politics, go for it.

I just wanna see those fish :slight_smile:

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Latest move makes no sense at all to me.
Site is a shadow of it’s former self. Tons of good posters left here
cause the Politics board got so awful.
Site is struggling to survive yet owners persist in allowing vile trolls to continue to post!
Well, it’s their investment and they can do as they please.
Guess they get enough “clicks” to keep going.


One of the biggest issues IMO is the TL3 members not doing their job without bias and provoking others to make a comment that is flagged… The TL3 members don’t flag themselves for the same violations which makes the site a “good ole boys system”…

Interesting the politics forum went poof even when I hadn’t posted for 3 weeks due to my trip to the OBX… YET, I am blamed for it…

The TL3 members simply need to apply the same standards to everyone with regards to flagging/deleting posts and things will get better… This, coupled with putting/keeping the politics in the imaginary “basement”, will make it much better…

If members want to discuss politics in public, there are many other sites elsewhere…

I am thoroughly enjoying the politics getting stuffed in the imaginary basement where it belongs, if it really exists, which I doubt…

The goal is to bring CF back to the days when the discussions were friendly and not a game of gotcha with ridicule and childish name calling among many other irritating behaviors. In every committee meeting we have have had the discussion has for some time involved only 2 members. Considering their history of behavior, it is appropriate that they be targeted and held to very strictly obey the present rules. The majority of members have agreed with this.


Does this including hijacking posts on the fishing forums and getting them deleted like you have recently… Hypocritical at best…

natureboy, you and others got to the TL3 level not because of the trust of Admin… It was systematically assigned…

Proof is the fact Admin hasn’t made you a TL4 member which can only be achieved by Admin. manually promoting…

Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

Trust Level 3 – Regular

Regulars are the backbone of your community, the most active readers and reliable contributors over a period of months, even years. Because they’re always around, they can be further trusted to help tidy up and organize the community.

To get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days

  • Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics

  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)

  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)

  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*

  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)

  • Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

  • These likes must be across a minimum number of different users (1/5 the number), across a minimum number of different days (1/4 the number). Likes cannot be from PMs.

All of the above criteria must be true to achieve trust level 3. Furthermore, unlike other trust levels, you can lose trust level 3 status. If you dip below these requirements in the last 100 days, you will be demoted back to Member. However, in order to avoid constant promotion/demotion situations, there is a 2-week grace period immediately after gaining Trust Level 3 during which you will not be demoted.

Trust Level 4 – Leader

Leaders are regulars who have been around forever and seen everything. They set a positive example for the community through their actions and their posts. If you need advice, these are the folks you turn to first, and they’ve earned the highest level of community trust, such that they are almost moderators within the community already.

Get to trust level 4 by…

Manual promotion by staff only

If the admin won’t ban them, WE need to be the force here and everyone needs to ignore them. You can only argue with yourself for so long. Not sure even those guys are that stupid. Maybe I’m wrong.

A TOTAL IGNORE by all the other members would fix this since there seems to be a reluctance to do it the easy and right way.

What we have here is failure to communicate

Think about it

Cassius Clay - Muhammad Ali
Barry Soetero- Barack Hussein Obama
Charleston Fishing Forum - Charleston Forum


Yeehaw! That’s what I’m talking about!