Disney, all about the kids

Cp from the guy that broke open the tranny case in Virginia school’s rape cases

Christopher F. Rufo :crossed_swords:
NEW: Disney CEO Bob Chapek grovels, apologizes, and pledges to “be a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community.” He delegated the company’s moral authority to the “LGBTQIA+ Advisory Council” and now those internal activists have taken him as an ideological hostage.


Don’t fund the Disney pedophiles and the immorality crowd, just go to Dollywood for a better values owners.

How about a report from someone that was groomed?


In a new Harry Potter series movie, Seems Dumbledore is portrayed as queer and China gets a small segment removed to play in their country. Disney bows down to China, but cares less about what’s shown in America. Guess when China owns 57% they can control content when shown in their own country while giving a rats arse less about everyone else. So much for Disney being about Kids wholesome entertainment.

Disney groomers learn not to mess with Heavy D


and now he’s shadow banning tweeter twits

hopefully Rs are taking notes and learning

Finally, we are starting to cut away at the serpents head.
More & more states need to follow his lead.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

I hope you are right areeldrag, but from what I see you chop off one head and two more sprout up. The liberals are embedded deep and have learned that we the people are accepting no consequences to their heinous acts. Just look to the many crimes Hillary has committed and people still support her!! Bengazi, Trump spying, Top Secret E mails on a public server, her affair with Vince Foster and his death, insider trading, received money from China, and we could go on. Just a small example of the no accountability going on today. How about Epstein’s Murder and cover up? The Spying on Trump from Obuma?

I hope this thing with Musk goes through, Even the News reporters are scared. They are openly saying it is their job to influence people.

Jeff Vahle asked a trusted friend his thoughts on DeSantis


Mess with the bull you’ll get the horns

Christopher F. Rufo :crossed_swords:
Update: It’s now a $35 billion loss.
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Christopher F. Rufo :crossed_swords:
· Apr 20
Disney has lost more than $20 billion in shareholder value since the release of internal videos exposing the company’s plan to embed gender ideology into its children’s programming. It’s a strong opening shot against woke capital—and there is more to come.

Buy Dollywood

(The average price of a 7-day trip to Disneyland – Anaheim is $1,702 for a solo traveler, $3,057 for a couple, and $5,731 for a family of 4.)

It didn’t cost me that when I went to Cabo and I fished 4 days. And we stayed right at the marina on the water.

1 reasons I would not go to Disneyland/world or pretty much any other amusement park that offered such a thing. Is there fast pass or whatever they call it. Where you pay extra money and you get to go to the front of the line. I myself would not have the heart to go step in front of people that been standing in line for an hour with their children. And it would just royally pee me off if I’ve been standing there for an hour and somebody walks up and gets right on a ride. I guess the haves and have nots.

And as far as for all these homos I don’t understand why they think they should have special privileges. I believe in live and let live but don’t shove your agenda down my throat or anyone else’s specially my family.

Lowe’s cashier a while back. Old dude in front of me Vietnam vet give his phone number for military discount.
She/it rolled her eyes and made some disgusting little noise.
Me and my big mouth showed my a$$.
Me…Do you have a problem with that.
It… It’s not right it’s just another job I don’t see why they should get things cheaper than anyone else.
Me… First of all people like us are the reason you can walk around wearing Raggedy ass clothes blue hair disgusting vulgar tattoos and all them stupid piercings all over your face.
She muttered something and walked off from her register.
Manager come over and try to dress me down. I handed him my stuff and told him to stick it. He followed me out the door telling me not to ever come back in that store or he would call the police.
I also had kind words for him…

Google what they’re doing in Palm springs they’re wanting to give all the homos free money every month.

You find things offensive. I find things funny.

It’s a fouled up world we live in for sure.

Funny, Disney claiming to want to be all inclusive but, there is no way in hell anyone under middle class can afford to go to Disney. No way would ever spend a dime on anything Disney these days. I wonder when they’ll start letting the less fortunate in for free?

As for Lowe’s cashier. Sadly, you see so much of that in retail today. Low skilled, doesn’t really want to work. The Lowe’s nearest to me is known throughout the area as the worst and there is no question why.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?
"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Guess this is what Disney gets by letting China take it over.

Look into Podophiles, the left is trying to make it a mental disorder and then all the kid touchers can get free government money and medical expenses. But the worst, Then it would be a mental disorder for a grow up to rape a child instead of a crime! We have let a small % of this country get too much power and now Biden has slipped in, they have become drunk.

This is a bit off and very disturbing history. Before the fall of Rome some of the perverted practices(among many) were to take an infant off the tit and put it on a males member and this was acceptable for the elites. You can fact check this, but probably not what you want in a search history. I don’t think we are far off with some of our “elites” and their perverted mind set. I’ll always stand beside my mind set on Kid Touchers. No torture, just a bullet between the eyes and viewable by all that care to watch. All we would do is bring ourselves to their level with torture first. Let God determine guilt or innocence. There is no way we could inflict the torture that Hell can.

Now you know the majority of Americans don’t like the queer’s agenda it has always been immoral and against Christian values


Go to church and visit Dollywood

I often wonder why the gay folk love so much attention and will do almost anything to get it? Does it have to do with many actually having a mental disorder? Like most everyone I have a family member that is gay, causes no drama and lives life like most do. I tolerate his choice and would to anything to help, but I’ll never accept it as right, nor would I let any young children of mine stay unattended. When they get old enough they can make their choice, but for now I’ll make it for them. Parent first, friend later.

I have said it for years, it is not enough that you be tolerant of the LGBTXYZ+*@ folks, you MUST accept it as normal or you are a hater. I work with quite a few gays and they are not in your face about it at all. Most if not all live their lives in private like most folks. In fact, there were a couple that I had no idea were gay until fairly recently. One told me, “I am not ashamed or embarrassed, I just like to keep my personal life personal”. Amen, were that we all lived our lives like that.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Glad to see somebody speaking out.
Mr Graham has over 10 million followers.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

That’s a ray of sunshine in all the craziness going on in our society today. Thanks for posting that OTC. The left all up in arms about taxing the rich more, but then giving Disney a monstrous tax break and now getting mad because DeSantis is revoking it. Just more of the left’s Hypocrisy.

WTH !!!

If you want a hum one or take a ride on the Hershey highway more power to you… I don’t understand why these people want to shove their lifestyle down our throats???
I probably should have worded that different. But I’ll just leave it like that…

22 life’s a day

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

No, you worded it exactly as they want to do.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

China owns the largest percentage of Disney and forces them to show the immoral gay crap to America but makes them edit that crap out when shown in China and other countries that kill queers



Grooming children for pedophiles is getting more expensive

at least in public schools they can fund it with never ending tax dollars

You see the latest spike in crime around disney? Fight after fight, black on black in the park.