Disney, all about the kids

So have you guys heard about the Disney employees arrested for human trafficking?
I started searching and it looks like this type of stuff with Disney has been going on for a while (human trafficking, pedophiles, child porn, ect…). Just pull up Youtube or Google & search, nothing new for them.
I new Disney lost their morals a long time ago but no idea it was this bad. Not even including all the Messed up child actors they crank out.


[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

Over 41 felonies and we’re still on the street… WTF…

Looks like a few good candidates for organ donors…

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

This kind of stuff will get worse before it gets better. Perversions seem to be all but acceptable to some people. Hard to believe Disney doesn’t run background checks on all of it’s employees.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

I guess Disney would be a good place for a perverted piece of human trash looking to exploit Children. The 41 felonies and still not behind bars is crazy. Vigilantly Justice in order? I’m sure taking action against this piece of scum would get you locked up with just one offence.

Unfortunately in today’s society you will get more backlash from hurting a snowflakes feelings then you will raping a child.
Hollywood, social media, left have brained washed the weak / lazy minded people into accepting perversion as the new norm.

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Not only do you have to worry about that aspect of Disney, but the stance they are taking on societal issues is growing more and more left. The pushing of the homosexual agenda in movies and cartoons as well as promoting gender confusion in young children is extremely dangerous to conservative morals and values.

I don’t know why these people feel inclined to go after children. Its disgusting and wrong.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Disney is controlled by the CCP who’s mission is to destroy the Great American Satan Empire with the assistance of the immoral and corrupt amongst us


if you’re following Biden’s scotus nominee she refused to provide her definition of “a woman” and has a lengthy record on sympathizing with pedophiles

TikTok is CCP

:+1: Dang Skippy! We don’t need them in our society. Period.

Walt Disney would die if he wasn’t already dead.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

The wife and I were talking about as kids how excited we would be on Sunday night to watch the Disney movie. I’d have to beg mom to let me stay up a little past my bedtime to watch some of them. I can guarantee I wouldn’t have had any part of it if they had all the queer crap on the movies like they do now. American would have boycotted Disney in those days, our youth has enough problems without dealing with queer themed cartoons and kid shows. The devil is down hearted, nothing much for him to do.

And it is going to get worse. Disney just announced they don’t have enough gays, he-shes, screwed up characters even though that’s all it seems to be. They are planning to ramp up the freek show not only with characters but actors that are that way.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

God help US!! they can now even come out their costumes…


It is all about exposing you kids to as much of it as possible.


[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

57% of Disney is owned by China. What better way to destroy America? China doesn’t look to the next quarter, they look to the next 50 years. This country is doomed if we don’t get another leader like Trump that actually puts America first. I agree with old boy, lazy parents. Too easy to give in to kids and let someone else baby sit them rather than spend quality time with them enforcing discipline and morality. We still have a lot of Good parents, but that number is dwindling. IMO. In a lot of cases I see the Parents wanting sympathy because they can’t handle their own children. It takes a lot of hard work, which sadly many in this new generation know nothing about. And this new batch of covid raised kids is only getting worse. Just talk to any school Teacher.



Weakness used to be a FAILING, now accepted, even encouraged, for pity’s sake, sad.


re, of course some go TOO FAR TOO!!!

Teachers and schools are a lot to blame too, of course, not just parents , school undoes parents EFFORTS too

Gays, trannies, confused, whatever represent a very small portion of our society yet so much attention is paid to this tiny minority. The fact that Disney wants half of their staff to be LGBTXYZ whatever is warped and sad. I have nothing against anyone that falls in that alphabet group but, the constant forcing of their agenda on others is nauseating and getting old fast.

Live your life however you want, just stop trying to convince the rest of us that it is normal in your attempt to make us accept it.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?


“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

Disney’s newest movie set for release! The lives and times of their employees behind the scenes sorta like Under Cover Boss meets Epstein Island


don’t worry no big donors were harmed in the filming

The Uniparty Groomercrats are upset about becoming the focus


is it just another far right conspiracy theory?


Get your t-shirt right here!


Any news on the Uniparty Groomercrats
