Dive/fishing show

Catching hell name of if on weather Chanel 5 comcast…on for next few hours… At least with this weather we can watch some fishing.:frowning_face:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

That was pretty cool. Thanks Penny

‘87 Pacemaker 31’ SF
‘04 Renegade 29’ 2 225’s
‘97 Maycraft 17’ 40 hp

I’ve watched this and while it is somewhat entertaining they tend to dramatize everything associated with diving. They make every dive seem like a life threatening ordeal, freaking out because of some little sandbar sharks, almost running out of air, almost getting run over by the boat and so on. There is also way too much arguments between the captain and crew. As with all “reality” shows it has to be choreographed to be entertaining to the general public I guess. I do like watching the underwater scenes spearing but could care less for the topside drama.

It’s great on mute. I think it’s funny too when they freak out over a six foot shark. A lot is played up.

These shows are not good for those wanting to protect the recreational angler’s right to fish though. The “shoot everything I can sell” attitude, while it may be true, isn’t perceived well when broadcast to the average public. Honestly I’m surprised there aren’t groups out there appalled at this show and trying to get it off the air.

I respect the commercial fisherman. It’s a tough living and I’m glad I don’t have to do it for a paycheck. Sometimes the truth of situations is harsh to people who have never seen it firsthand, that’s all I’m saying.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


I just like to watch fishing…crabbing whatever. …so thought someone. Else might too. Sorry

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Originally posted by penfishn

I just like to watch fishing…crabbing whatever. …so thought someone. Else might too. Sorry.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

As a young girl… This guy?

or this guy?


Originally posted by penfishn

I just like to watch fishing…crabbing whatever. …so thought someone. Else might too. Sorry

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Oh I watched all the episodes, it’s entertaining to me. It’s just sad that this day and age we have to worry about what the outsiders will say…

Theres very little in the media that paints a positive picture of the commercial fisherman, and that’s sad. People love their seafood, just don’t remind them of how it was harvested.

Redfish Baron Extraordinaire


While it is somewhat interesting to watch, I would rather watch Speargun Hunter on the outdoor network. They focus on shooting fish/diving without all of the drama. Catching Hell seems more like a merge of Housewives of wherever meets Speargun Hunter.


Ricky…I know just what you mean. It is hard for me not to get my dander up at times having been raised around so many ways seafood was harvested, shrimping, crabbing, oystering, scallops, blackfish, even rock shrimp…man…I loved those things when daddy would bring us some home…it’s a hard life for sure…people do not appreciate what folks go through to make a living…but that is just my opinion. One day when people have to eat all imported stuff…they will remember the day…and wish…

So many of the new reality shows are “not reality”…And pretty darn over exagerated and cheesy… But I still watch them. Guess they have me hook line and sinker :smiley:. I watch and want to go on a airboat ride…see the big fish off shore…hold a Big Alaskan crab in my hands or hook a halibut…noodle a catfish or try to make it on my own on a island…as long as I know one of you will pick me up and bring me home after a few days. Most of this things I will never do…but still dream about them…and smile…for now I am content and blessed to live my adventures with my daddy and his crazy antics…and fishing with Donnie and friends.
TyoneOn…I do remember those too…yes…I am old enough to…hahahaha
I’m off the whole week of my bday…
What do I want to do?
Fish until my arms hurt and then fish some more…
And be thankful that another year has passed and I’m still here :wink:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16