DNA testing for ancestry

Anyone done it?

I’m looking to do it just for curiosity and the two I see most prominently are “my heritage” $59.00 and AncestryDNA @ $79.00

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”

I did it with AncestryDNA this past year and am happy with the results. My mother and Uncle were adopted so we never knew anything about that side of the family. Well it turns out I matched with an unknown half sister of hers (my new half aunt) who was also adopted. We confirmed the relation using another site in which you plug in the raw data file from AncestryDNA and it breaks down the analysis even further.

I also used the Ancestry.com family tree tool to explore the known side of my family. I was able to trace some back to BFE SC in the 17-1800s and even when some ancestors came over from England in the 16 and 1700s. One probable relation came over on the next ship after the Mayflower and there is a probable link to Rachel Powhatan, cousin of Pocahontas. I say robable as I haven’t done any super duper in depth research since I set up my family tree this spring. It is incredible some of the records they have uploaded to the database.

It can be a bit tricky sometimes to decipher various family trees that are connected to people that you will find to be in your own lineage. In my experience, particularly with families in the rural south in the 1800s as the census records where not terribly precise and they changed names and initials sometimes. It’s still a very nifty tool, especially if there is already a good record of your family from relatives.

I chose Ancestry as there was a cousin who had done a ton of research on the Mims family in South Carolina dating back to the 1700s I believe. We are linked into that through my grandmother from Jamestown SC. There are a few different options to do your testing and some of them will allow you to save your raw data and upload it to other sites and some will not. That was an important feature for me.

Once you get the data check out Promethease and GEDMatch

Had a 2nd or 3rd Cousin trace her side back as far as she could! Found out I’m related to 3 Brothers that fought in the Revolutionary War and all 3 got killed at the Battle of the Brandywine. They had a 4th Brother that was to young to join up. The youngest Brother carried on the Family name. They were in General Mad Anthony Wayne’s unit! Kinda neat, except for them getting killed.

Thank you Rapchizzle for that information!

And easy, wouldn’t it be neat to go back in time and actually know what suffering our ancestors had to go through for us?! Nostalgia!

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”

I chose Ancestry as there was a cousin who had done a ton of research on the Mims family in South Carolina dating back to the 1700s I believe.

I have some Mims in my family tree. We could be cousins. Sorry for you.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Probably Kissing Cousins:smiley:

My dad had a fellow contact him 35-40 yrs ago that was doing research on his tree and had discovered my dad was distant kin … When tree book was published dad received a copy that had our family in it up to and including two of my kids… Amazing to know where the families came from; some you can be proud of and some ya can’t[:0]

gail, it was cool to tell my Grand Daughter, that she could join the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is 10 and starting to get into History!

Be careful of that stuff. I found out I was a blood relative of Cole Younger!


Wife and I did Ancestry and some results were not accurate.

Double D.

I did 23 and me. It was pretty cool. Mine was pretty boring 99.8% European. Although it was a little surprising as I was told my whole life about my native american genes. One thing I would say is that if they offer 2 tests go with the cheaper of the two. The health information that they charge for the more expensive test can be easily obtained for 5$ when you upload your test results to an online program called promethease and they will give you far more medical information than the sites running the DNA tests. The program is kind of like a science literature search for your dna results and any anomalies you have. It comes back sorted as a good news/bad news kind of thing. They may give you more information about yourself than you want to know, I had to sign a legal waiver saying I understand that the information can’t be unlearned yada yada.

Just wondering, Does the government have access to any of this information?

The government has access to everything.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

I did it and was pleased with the results. Its interesting, have second and third cousins popping up all over that I never knew about. There are some holes in my family history that I had questions about that were directly answered in my DNA results. Its a valuable tool if you are serious about your genealogy.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017