DOE dirty laundry

I am looking for some advice and warning others about a bunch of “dirty laundry” from the Department of Energy. We purchased a top of the line high tech washed from Lowes back in June. This thing had it all, touch screen operation, on board computer. FANCY The only problem was the thing would not clean our clothes. We called for warrantee service and the techs reassured us that all was working properly. When I placed a folded towel in the thing and it completed a wash cycle and the towel was still folded and DRY in the center, we went back to Lowes. The manager was very helpful and offered us a less fancy model with an AGITATOR and less “software” and a store credit for the price difference. Well guess what? This new less sophisticated washer also would not clean our clothes! I started working up the chain at General Electric until I got to a nice lady with the title of assistant director of consumer affairs. She explained that ALL washers sold after March 1 of this year had to meet new DOE standards. These new standards do not allow the use of HOT WATER (max temp 90 deg F.), only half the previous water level and virtually no agitation! She admitted that consumers should expect some “diminished cleaning efficiency”. We could use a bucket to add hot water to the machine and some items may need a second wash!

What is going on here people? The federal government is telling me I can’t buy a simple washing machine! Any suggestions? I am seriously thinking about a small claims court action against GE. They manufactured and sold a washer they knew would not clean clothes.

Again, any suggestions?

You need to PM, Phin about this! Your talking about the EPA or something here! Maybe a Class Action suit against GE and DOE?EPA, if the FED made up this Reg! They have been known to do so! See what you can get out of this Lady, at GE on where this regulation they are following came from, and get a copy!

we bought a “HE” high efficiency washer a year or so ago and also noticed “diminished cleaning efficiency”…but ours does have a deep water setting so now we wash almost everything in the deep water cycle…I cringe every time I hit GO…

The Morris Island Lighthouse

That’s a bummer. We’ve got an LG and a Whirlpool (HE) and no issues with cleaning. Also, we normally only use cold water.

Good luck with getting this resolved.


Buy a Miele, they know how to wash clothes with very little water, and they boost their water temp themselves. They are not cheap, but I will never buy another brand Washer/Dryer or dishwasher ever again.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

We got one of the HE washers. This was as good of an idea as the ultra low flow toilets. If you have clothes that you were in an office environment and get them mildly “not fresh” this works, sort of works for that. If you have anything like grass clippings, simple dirt, not grease, oil, blood, etc. it won’t even start to clean it.

All of the low water use came directly from the libtards in Congress. When the crap hits the fan it is easy for them to blame the agency that has to administrate it.

Yea (**() Libtards trying to save natural resources how dare they. Being American is about being wasteful. That’s how we keep our edge. We dont recycle because we love expensive steel and landfills. We hate low flow toilets so much I flush 3 times for fun. We dont like LEDs so I light my house with heatlamps. We hate trees so much I cut them all down on my land so I could mudbog anywhere I want in my 3mpg monster truck.

Heck the only reason merica ever had a drought was becasue Obamas (**() African sun is shining on us now.

First, Most, Biggest

I do know some people who bought all the filament bulbs they can find, because they don’t like the delay when the light turns on a CFL.

I have a HE washer, cant get the funky smell out of it, Im thinking about buying an old school washer, 5-6 yrs old and tossing the HE one

We bought a GE from Lowes a few weeks ago & haven’t noticed any problems with cleaning the clothes. If there would have been something insufficient in the cleaning dept., my wife definitely would have let me know about it. She’s a clean freak with way high standards about it.(can you say “OCD”?) Drives me nuts sometimes.

Bob Van Gundy
Marine Designs,Inc.
Custom Aluminum Fabrication

Originally posted by fmb3

I have a HE washer, cant get the funky smell out of it, Im thinking about buying an old school washer, 5-6 yrs old and tossing the HE one

You gotta get the cleaner made for cleaning the machine,just like a dishwasher.

Double D.

We have the Kenmore HE washer and dryer no problems yet with getting the clothing clean.I think the laundry soap is not what it used to be.I think it’s more water less soap.

Double D.

It’s likely the no phosphorus soaps now that we all love because it saves those pretty redfish 23 loves to take pics of.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

You have to leave the door open on a front loader when it’s not in use or it will get funky fast.

If you’re lucky enough to be fishing, you’re lucky enough.

It all started when the government decided we were using too much water to flush a turd back in the late 80’s… It’s gone down hill ever since!!

“Kleenex, The Official Sponsor of Fishb8”

Did the EXACT same thing as you last week - brand new Whirlpool washer from Lowes. Did not clean the clothes - called for a pick up, they came and got it (still waiting for my refund to clear tho). Wife did some research and we settled on a Speed Queen. It is a heavy @ss no nonsense old school style washer. More than likely banded in several countries. So far it is freaky fast and cleans the hell out of our clothes. A little on the pricy side but probably less than what you paid for the washer at Lowes…and my old lady is happy. :sunglasses:

It ain’t no mystery…this beer’s history!

I do know some people who bought all the filament bulbs they can find, because they don’t like the delay when the light turns on a CFL.

And I know some who buy up incandescents because CFL light sucks … :wink:

SQs are nice units, a lot like a Miele just about $150 cheaper. Made in the USA with some Chinese electronics, vs all German engineering/parts. Great units though. GE can’t hold a candle to these commercial style front loaders.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

I have had 3 different GE appliances recalled. They are off my list permanently. My wife doesn’t care for bells and whistles so we have a basic Whirlpool and it seems to clean just fine.

As an outdoorsman, I care about the environment but, this is yet another example of the government protecting us from ourselves.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?