Dog Drive Ban

Understandable, although the ban may not extend to the practice as a whole, it does make it illegal on all property smaller than 1000 acres. I figured due to the number of of 1000+ acre plantations, that the practice would in fact be all but banned, at least in the Berkeley area where I hunt. I did though imply that those aware of the bill would have actually read it themselves. The reason this bill will unfortunately likely not pass, is the passion of those who who currently dog hunt surpasses those who still hunt, obvious by the some 800 to 2 phone calls. I say we as still hunters and property owners need to have a larger push on the house, or we have no right to ***** when the bill is not passed and nothing changes… What was up for debate was whether the proposed plan would have an impact, and what exactly the impact would be.

“The further one gets into the wilderness, the greater the attraction of its lonely freedom”

Originally posted by Edistodaniel
Originally posted by Fred67

I don’t think it’s just the “bad apples” (but they are a big help) that is causing the decline in dog hunting. It is the simple fact that many “city” folk are buy a piece of heaven in the country and breaking up all the contingent land that no one really gave a crap about anyone hunting. As a matter of fact most farmers loved you to hunt it to get rid of the overpopulated deer.

The 1000 acre thing is great to keep the sport alive, but still not going to keep dogs off others land. A 1000 acres is not going to hold a fresh pack of Walkers. 100 acres with a pack of small beagles would be manageable. Also we need to keep standers off our roads, they scare me. I’ve been around many hunters and some(of course not all) see the brown over the family sedan coming down the road.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Who's selling the land to the city folk?

Who ever has it for sale. Lots of people moving to the country Lots of land for sale.

You being a smart arse or would you like me to point you in the direction of some land sales? A lot of large tracks are on the market right now.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

red.hunter, the writing is on the wall. Dog hunting days are numbered for the same reasons we are moving to tagging deer. Human expansion and habitat loss is going to win over heritage or tradition in the end. It is inevitable. The number of calls for or against it is irrelevant in the long term. Don’t be surprised if there are specific archery, primitive weapons, and rifle seasons in the next 15 years or less. The WMA’s are already slowly but surely phasing out dog hunting and restricting access more and more to foot travel only.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

I have my issues with dog drives. The land I hunt has a dog club on one side & so many times while I’m still hunting , here comes a guy walking right in front of my blind , with a loaded shotgun claiming that he’s looking for his dogs. That’s trespassing to hunt and I had the guy arrested. 470.00 fine and loss of hunting license. Had him on game camera doing the same thing many times. That’s one dogger out of action. The land is on a busy road, and often they drive the dogs & deer toward the highway. If a car hits a deer or a dog are the hunters liable for the damages?

Good for you. Hitting them in the pocket book is the only thing that is going to change it. Most likely depends on which lawyer is willing to or not to tackle it. The last dog I caught in my yard was a ragged looking fice. Dang thing looked like it was about to starve to death, and I had to tie it up to keep it out of the garbage can. I called the number 6 or 7 times. he never answered, and his mailbox was full. So, I sent him a text telling him to call me back. After about a half hour and no answer, I sent him another text. I told him if he didn’t call me back in 5 minutes, I was taking the dog to the animal shelter. He called back within 30 seconds. See, he didn’t give a hoot until he was threatened with consequences. I’m not going to tell you what I told him over the phone, but he was there in less than 10 minutes to get that ragged POS dog off my property.

Originally posted by natureboy

I have my issues with dog drives. The land I hunt has a dog club on one side & so many times while I’m still hunting , here comes a guy walking right in front of my blind , with a loaded shotgun claiming that he’s looking for his dogs. That’s trespassing to hunt and I had the guy arrested. 470.00 fine and loss of hunting license. Had him on game camera doing the same thing many times. That’s one dogger out of action. The land is on a busy road, and often they drive the dogs & deer toward the highway. If a car hits a deer or a dog are the hunters liable for the damages?

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

I don’t know all the dog hunters in the state, just the ones that hunt adjacent to my property. 100% of those hunters Do Not respect property lines or property owners. They are trash only concerned with killing every brown thing that moves without discretion. I’ve called and I’ve emailed. I’m having a party the day is outlawed

The SCDNR has a program, Property Watch, that anyone having trouble with trespassers of any type should check out. Call your local DNR office and they will help you get the paperwork to get things started. I have, and my family’s property will be on it very soon! The DNR officers are very helpful if they know you are having problems. It’s a shame that a few bad apples can make it tougher for all.

Really a shame not many people have been on a deer drive using highly trained dogs and a lot of land to use them on. I’ll miss it.

I still get more of a thrill hunting off a horse than a dog drive, will still miss it.

Wonder when they finally ban dog hunting if it will include fox hounds as well?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Property watch will do nothing for keeping hounds off your property, no law exist that will.

Originally posted by longbearded1

Property watch will do nothing for keeping hounds off your property, no law exist that will.

What’s the old statement? Fences make good Neighbors. When hunting small parcels with large hounds, you are right.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Had 4 hunts ruined by dogs that “got away” in November alone. Nearest dog club is supposedly 5 miles away. We’ve had them caught in traps, hang around the club looking for a person to take care of them and left outside the gate with bullet holes in them. I could give a **** if I ever see or hear another one of these white trash POS run a deer hound around here again. Ethical dog hunting is done, time to get rid of it altogether.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

When it happens, call me!!! I’ll bring all the beer those at the party can drink!!!

Originally posted by 23Sailfish

I don’t know all the dog hunters in the state, just the ones that hunt adjacent to my property. 100% of those hunters Do Not respect property lines or property owners. They are trash only concerned with killing every brown thing that moves without discretion. I’ve called and I’ve emailed. I’m having a party the day is outlawed

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

That!!! What he said!!!

Originally posted by saltydog235

Had 4 hunts ruined by dogs that “got away” in November alone. Nearest dog club is supposedly 5 miles away. We’ve had them caught in traps, hang around the club looking for a person to take care of them and left outside the gate with bullet holes in them. I could give a **** if I ever see or hear another one of these white trash POS run a deer hound around here again. Ethical dog hunting is done, time to get rid of it altogether.

Pioneer 222 Sportfish Yamaha F300
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

“Life’s tough…It’s even tougher if you’re stupid” John Wayne

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Originally posted by saltydog235 Ethical dog hunting is done, time to get rid of it altogether.

Ethical dog hunting is not done, just not practiced by many nor approachable by many. And where it’s done, you don’t have to worry about anyone else guarding their 20 acre hunting preserve. Also the handlers are in complete control of the dogs.

I’ll accept it if it happens( should just say when) and will fully respect it. Actually be glad to see standers off the side of the road. Such a shame that there are so many that just don’t understand they have cut their own throats and that of future generations.

I hope all the still hunters will step up to the plate and help eradicate as many of the woods goats they can. We’ve got too many as it is now. Maybe DNR will let us hunt a couple of hours before and after sunset/sunrise to offset the deer that dog drivers help keep in check.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

We had problems with doggers on our land back when I was a kid. Same story of “they got away from us, whoops”, abused dogs left on our land to starve, and dumping carcasses on our land.

Eventually they were caught dumping carcasses too many times and the land owner (International Paper) kicked them off.

They’re all low life garbage in my book.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great Whitethose facts you stated are quite wrong. The club that bordered "your" property was never kicked out. The property was sold to a development group. Probably way more deer being killed off of it now by the couple of people still hunting than that group of old men ever killed.

We had problems with doggers on our land back when I was a kid. Same story of “they got away from us, whoops”, abused dogs left on our land to starve, and dumping carcasses on our land.

Eventually they were caught dumping carcasses too many times and the land owner (International Paper) kicked them off.

They’re all low life garbage in my book.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by flyinghigh
Originally posted by Great Whitethose facts you stated are quite wrong. The club that bordered "your" property was never kicked out. The property was sold to a development group. Probably way more deer being killed off of it now by the couple of people still hunting than that group of old men ever killed.

We had problems with doggers on our land back when I was a kid. Same story of “they got away from us, whoops”, abused dogs left on our land to starve, and dumping carcasses on our land.

Eventually they were caught dumping carcasses too many times and the land owner (International Paper) kicked them off.

They’re all low life garbage in my book.

First, Most, Biggest

funny you say that, International paper has been gone a long time and while they were around i’ve never know them to kick any lease hunter off… or really ever gave a crap about hunters. Been a long time ago…

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

This was long before IP sold the land. I would imagine it took a threat of legal action or a call from DNR about fines to warn them off. Nobody leases the property for hunting now but the new owners have a hunting arrangement in place with an individual who watches the land for them. He’s a much more agreeable neighbor.

First, Most, Biggest

Build a fence, end of story. Neighbors don’t want to participate in solid management practices,no worries, those deer jump the fence after the seasonal corn piles disappear. Rarely do they leave after discovering quality food and total seclusion 365. Once they discover the protein pellets , they’re permanent residents.

Same old same old, build a fence to keep trespassing hounds off MY property. Do you not think that the dog hunters should fence their property?