Same old same old, build a fence to keep trespassing hounds off MY property. Do you not think that the dog hunters should fence their property?
Rarely do they own their own property, the ones that do (Middleton Hunt Club) don't ever seem to have complaints coming from their neighbors. They've been dog driving a very, very long time.
Fox hunters build their own fences, then buy coyotes. y’all see where that’s gotten us.
So that gives them another reason to allow their dogs to trespass? Middleton is about the only place I know that does it right, thus no complaints about them.
no way should a landowner have to put up fence in order to keep people/dogs off their property. For investment purposes, yes. To keep idiots in check, no.
A court case dealing with trespassing hounds was settle out of court when a Charleston Lawyer whos intials are G.H. was having continual problems. Thus the leases on large timber companies lands for dog clubs being taken away. This may be the only relief is ever gained.
Gedney Howe built a high fence when they were still legal, that took care of his dogger problems. Years before that, a large plantation owner from around Georgetown, was the first taking the dogger problem back to the timber companies. The timber companies leased to doggers, and after piles and piles of documented trespassing tickets and pictures of dogs running through his property, he took said timber companies to court, and won!
After that ,Mead/Westvaco, Capstone, Plum Creek saw the handwriting on the wall and made dog driving illegal on their property.
I’d like to do it one time before it’s gone forever. It really is one of those old traditions that is distinctly lowcountry. Sad that a lot of bad apples don’t understand they’re digging their own grave so to speak.
no way should a landowner have to put up fence in order to keep people/dogs off their property. For investment purposes, yes. To keep idiots in check, no.
" It is what it is".
Never said one had to install a fence,but it's extremely effective for keeping hogs and coyotes out . I actually noticed the hound problem dwindle after I kept taking them to the shelter, doggers don't like to spend money to bail their dogs out the shelter.
Actually it was Gedney that had the court case. He was finally fed up, case settled out of court, which was a shame. Thus the trend from Timber companies to do away with leases that they continually had problems with. Just to set the record straight.
Actually it was Gedney that had the court case. He was finally fed up, case settled out of court, which was a shame. Thus the trend from Timber companies to do away with leases that they continually had problems with. Just to set the record straight.
I remember Gedney telling me about this one, was it before? it doesn't matter anyway. This case certainly grabbed the attention.
no way should a landowner have to put up fence in order to keep people/dogs off their property. For investment purposes, yes. To keep idiots in check, no.
" It is what it is".
Never said one had to install a fence,but it's extremely effective for keeping hogs and coyotes out . I actually noticed the hound problem dwindle after I kept taking them to the shelter, doggers don't like to spend money to bail their dogs out the shelter.
been there, done that… the problem lies with more enforceable laws and wardens willing to enforce them.
no way should a landowner have to put up fence in order to keep people/dogs off their property. For investment purposes, yes. To keep idiots in check, no.
" It is what it is".
Never said one had to install a fence,but it's extremely effective for keeping hogs and coyotes out . I actually noticed the hound problem dwindle after I kept taking them to the shelter, doggers don't like to spend money to bail their dogs out the shelter.
been there, done that… the problem lies with more enforceable laws and wardens willing to enforce them.
Wonder when they finally ban dog hunting if it will include fox hounds as well?
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
“Coyotes were illegally imported into South Carolina for hound running. SCDNR and Federal law enforcement has and will continue to prosecute for this activity” South Carolina Department of Natural Resources [SCDNR], 2015). And still, the claim is that DNR released coyotes in the State. Here is the answer: “The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources has NEVER released coyotes into the state for any reason, including deer management” (SCDNR, 2015). Here is another one: “Myth – Busted-Contrary to popular belief, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) did not stock coyotes in South Carolina to control the white-tailed deer population, or for any other reason” (SCDNR, 2015). So, as the dog hunters felt the screws getting tightened, they took advantage of a no law situation to invent fox pens, which turned into almost exclusively coyote pens—in every southeastern state including Virginia. So, while coyotes can and do migrate, it is much easier for a coyote to walk from GA or NC to SC than it is from the mid-west. The vast majority of the coyotes did in fact come from illegally importing coyotes for pens. “Populations in South Carolina were established in Pickens and Oconee counties in the late 1970’s by houndsmen” (SCDNR, 2015). And yet, folks want to think, with no evidence whatsoever, that coyotes just stepped up the pace from the mid-west and up North in a mad dash to make to SC. Because coyotes escape often and in very large numbers, coyote pens are no different than the muts running through your property. It is just at a slower pace. So,
no one ever answered my question- If doggers run a deer into a busy highway and there’s an accident , are they liable? I saw this happen some years back. Several deer ran into the highway and caused a bad accident, The dog hunters got their dogs and disappeared into the woods quickly. I saw it all from a climber on my land. I climbed down and approached the cop and basically they took my info and said - “we’ll get back to you” - they never did. It seem to me that the doggers were the cause.
no one ever answered my question- If doggers run a deer into a busy highway and there’s an accident , are they liable? I saw this happen some years back. Several deer ran into the highway and caused a bad accident, The dog hunters got their dogs and disappeared into the woods quickly. I saw it all from a climber on my land. I climbed down and approached the cop and basically they took my info and said - “we’ll get back to you” - they never did. It seem to me that the doggers were the cause.
After that ,Mead/Westvaco, Capstone, Plum Creek saw the handwriting on the wall and made dog driving illegal on their property.
Sorry but no. It is still legal to dog drive, unless specifically told they have to stop on certain leases.
When the high powered lobbyists run out of money and support dog hunt will go away. As it is to many people with strong pull in the right places will keep it alive, even with the many renegades out there.
“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”
no one ever answered my question- If doggers run a deer into a busy highway and there’s an accident , are they liable? I saw this happen some years back. Several deer ran into the highway and caused a bad accident, The dog hunters got their dogs and disappeared into the woods quickly. I saw it all from a climber on my land. I climbed down and approached the cop and basically they took my info and said - “we’ll get back to you” - they never did. It seem to me that the doggers were the cause.
Sounds like it would make a good civil case. No way to tell if they “are” or “aren’t” without going to trial…
Fred where did you supposedly pull that quote from attributed to me above. I don’t even know where Capstone is and would like to know when I made that statement, certainly not in the three pages of this topic…
You guys are right.We need to get rid of these redneck southern working class scum .From what I heard,they just want to get together and socialize and fellowship anyway.Let them go to their churches for that.LOL.Us serious whitetail buckmasters don’t need any of that.We need big antlers to post.You betcha.I don’t understand why these poor azz trash want to go out and pursue deer when they can build a tree house,put out some bait,wait until dark and blast em with a 3006.I hear they even divide up the meat among the weak and older hunters.Stupid.If they can’t buy their own land ,they shouldn’t be allowed to hunt.Well I guess we will finally get hunting dogs abolished,just like we beat them in the civil war.Poor people suck,traditions are dumb
When the high powered lobbyists run out of money and support dog hunt will go away. As it is to many people with strong pull in the right places will keep it alive, even with the many renegades out there.
High powered lobbyists to support dog hunting!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! I've heard it all now. Because we all know that it's the RICH "doggers" with lobbyists in their back pocket.
The way it ACTUALLY works is that DNR has meetings and people show up to those meetings and plead their case to a group of legislators who are also sportsman, but see things objectively…
For those that say there is no such thing as an honest dog club, that is completely false and you should be ashamed of yourselves for spreading such a blanket lie… I personally know of a few clubs in the past that were as honest as you could get. My own father ran one for about 30 years and we NEVER hunted on someone else’s land. EVER… Dogs would get away once in a while, but it was on rare occasion and they were in hot pursuit of a deer already jumped.
My dad quit with the dog club because of neighborhood “still hunters” complaining that dogs were on their 20 acres of big buck management. They would call the timber companies on days that we weren’t even hunting to “report” activity even when all of our dogs were accounted for. The bottom line is that still hunters cannot hide their hatred for dog hunters and would do anything including lie, cheat, and steal to get rid of them. I completely understand that “doggers” brought a lot of this on themselves. I ALSO have seen clubs purposely hunt land that was not their own. Understandably, that pisses a lot of people off, rightly so… But it should be THOSE clubs that get the hammer, not the baby with the bathwater.
Someone mentioned Middleton hunting club earlier as a club without complaints .That is untrue,I have complained on them many times but they own their own land .It sucks hearing them blowing their horns back and forth ,why don’t they just use cell phones.Ruined my hunt!!! Lot of doctors and lawyers over there with a little bit of money but if we can outlaw dogs they won’t be able to do anything about it. Hopefully we can abolish this outdated backwards practice before the rest of my family moves down here!!