Dog Drive Ban

Ya’ll are feisty on this topic.

Seasick mentioned killing them to keep populations down. I said that still hunters were more than capable of keeping populations in check. To quell the “still hunters cant kill 10 deer in a day” comments I offered up a solution to making hunting easier for still hunters (free doe tags and higher bag limits). I have no problems with current limits or cost. Actually I would like it so you could kill more than 2 does in a day but its not a big deal.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Great White

Ya’ll are feisty on this topic.

Seasick mentioned killing them to keep populations down. I said that still hunters were more than capable of keeping populations in check. To quell the “still hunters cant kill 10 deer in a day” comments I offered up a solution to making hunting easier for still hunters (free doe tags and higher bag limits). I have no problems with current limits or cost. Actually I would like it so you could kill more than 2 does in a day but its not a big deal.

First, Most, Biggest


so what are you implying? You want to kill more than two does in a day? Ok, that’s a done deal. Until you reach your limit. so again, what are you saying?

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”