Dog Drive Ban

Originally posted by poly ball

I hope running dogs doesn’t go away, I get a lot of deer jumping the fence when the boys “turn loose”.

\Umm you must be being sarcastic? Or really did a 180 to your past stance. You actually saying that you want dog hunting? You been drinking?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Ha,ha,ha,ha…you made me laugh today.

Originally posted by pitviper0404

It won’t be near as hard as you think it will be.

One Simple Thanks!!

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball

I hope running dogs doesn’t go away, I get a lot of deer jumping the fence when the boys “turn loose”.

\Umm you must be being sarcastic? Or really did a 180 to your past stance. You actually saying that you want dog hunting? You been drinking?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Quote me where said I wanted it banned.I wouldn't want that for the Middleton hunt club,who operates with class. I mentioned numerous times about the clubs/ groups that should be banned because of their unethical hunting practices.Love how members of this site can twist words to their liking.

Pit viper is only full of internal waste, if he thinks hunting prepared food plots on private land is going to be banned. I’ll have time later today, my Columbia DNR connection can give me an honest answer to such a wild claim!


Pit viper is only full of internal waste, if he thinks hunting prepared food plots on private land is going to be banned. I’ll have time later today, my Columbia DNR connection can give me an honest answer to such a wild claim!

Agreed. No way on this earth that food plots are going away. Not even conceivable. To think corn piles could go away has a touch of merit because it is already illegal on WMA’s, but corn piles and feeders going away on private land is still a stretch…maybe 30 years from now. On the other hand, dog hunters running roughshod over other people’s property is going to stop. It will likely take longer than some of us would like, but rest assured, it is going to end…at least legally. Again, it is already being clamped down on the WMA’s significantly in the past few years.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

I don’t see anyone actually passing a law to make it illegal to dog hunt. The only thing that would be reasonable is to possibly add stiff fines for the FEW irresponsible hunters that let their dogs run wherever they want. I have a lot of family that enjoy dog hunting, and many times they do it to keep the deer population in check as they have demolished their crops over the past few years. But we are all responsible hunters, GPS collars so we know if the dogs are heading towards the property line and we ALWAYS cut off the dogs, no matter what. We respect others land as we hope they will do the same to ours. For those that have issues with dogs running on your land and ruining your hunts, that sucks, but don’t let a few bad apples give us all a bad name. I typically still hunt over bean fields, but I do enjoy running dogs from time to time.

And for sman, you are obviously a bitter and ignorant Yankee. If you are so hateful of Southern people and their traditions, why don’t you crawl your a$$ back up north and be miserable somewhere else. We don’t need trash like you down here. You say that dog hunters are “redneck southern working class scum”. Who cares if they are working class?! Does that make you better than them and give you more rights to big deer? No, it doesn’t Your negativity and ignorance is what’s wrong with the world today.

Originally posted by seasick11

I don’t see anyone actually passing a law to make it illegal to dog hunt.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>

In the end and truthfully, me either, but some serious reform will come, and it is needed! Depending on the area/county, depends on the amount of bad apples. In my area, there are far, far more bad apples than those that even at least trying to do it right.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

In my area, there are far, far more bad apples than those that even at least trying to do it right.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

And this is a shame. I know it is frustrating for people have spent money buying their own piece of heaven to hunt, and then the time planting food plots, but it boils down to basic hunter etiquette and land respect. I am blessed to have family farm land spread over much of Berkeley County and I still treat it as if I’m a guest. Public land is bad for people I know who can’t afford land. A co-worker of mine had a guy hunt about 100 yards away from him on WMA land even after my co-worker shined his light at him. Whether your running dogs or sitting over corn, there will ALWAYS be people that lack respect and just don’t care about anyone killing deer but them. Instead of everyone on here having a pissing match we all just need to understand there are going to be bad apples everywhere we hunt or fish. Whether its dogs running on your land or some jerk pulling up on you in a fishing hole.

Originally posted by seasick11

In my area, there are far, far more bad apples than those that even at least trying to do it right.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

And this is a shame. I know it is frustrating for people have spent money buying their own piece of heaven to hunt, and then the time planting food plots, but it boils down to basic hunter etiquette and land respect. I am blessed to have family farm land spread over much of Berkeley County and I still treat it as if I’m a guest. Public land is bad for people I know who can’t afford land. A co-worker of mine had a guy hunt about 100 yards away from him on WMA land even after my co-worker shined his light at him. Whether your running dogs or sitting over corn, there will ALWAYS be people that lack respect and just don’t care about anyone killing deer but them. Instead of everyone on here having a pissing match we all just need to understand there are going to be bad apples everywhere we hunt or fish. Whether its dogs running on your land or some jerk pulling up on you in a fishing hole.

Funny thing is…it is always and only dog hunters bothering me on my property. On top of that, doggers, good or bad, have no viable argument for running their muts roughshod over other people’s property, and there is no way to crush them for doing it. It is easy enough to prosecute a trespasser on the other hand. People bumping into each other on WMA occasionally is to be expected the same as it is to be expected on the water. No way people should have to put up with it in any form on their private property.

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Originally posted by pitviper0404

Again, most of us do it right. I guess the two of you both have reading comprehension problems since my comment had nothing to do with trespassing and everything to do with dumbassss sitting in a tree over corn claiming their **** doesn’t stink!! SMDH!!

One Simple Thanks!!

More often than not, doggers bear no responsibility to keep the peace themselves. They’d rather point to the non-invasive still hunters as the problem and force the burden of finding a solution on them. Just remember who the trespasser is. When forced into carrying the burden of finding a solution, some still hunters have felt like they have run out of options and are seeking governmental support. If the dog hunters don’t like that, then why don’t they accept the burden of finding a solution to the problems they create for others? Any talk about the still hunters dividing everybody is complete non-sense. Allowing dogs free reign over others property is the root cause of the division. Retaliation by still hunters who do not impose on the dog hunters properties by engaging in their sport is simply an effect of the root problem.

Doggers do have as much a right to dog hunt as any of us do to still hunt—no question. But what doggers fail to realize in so many cases is that you and your dogs do not have a right to trespass, whether or not the dogs can read or recognize boundaries is irrelevant. I have a right to play baseball in my own yard, but does that also mean I have the right to launch a ball through the neighbor’s window or into the side of the neighbor’s house or car? That ball doesn’t know where it’s going; it doesn’t know ho

I would like a 3 strikes and you’re out system. If dated pictures of your dogs trespassing are are given to DRN you get a strike. On the third strike you lose your hunting license for X years. You identify the dog owners by making dog owners register hunting location, dates, and hunters ahead of time. If dates match pictures you get a strike. All hunters registered on that date get a strike so they share the responsibility to catch the dogs. Each strike comes with a $100 fine per hunter.

First, Most, Biggest

A hard hit in the pocket book would get their attention!!!

Originally posted by Great White

I would like a 3 strikes and you’re out system. If dated pictures of your dogs trespassing are are given to DRN you get a strike. On the third strike you lose your hunting license for X years. You identify the dog owners by making dog owners register hunting location, dates, and hunters ahead of time. If dates match pictures you get a strike. All hunters registered on that date get a strike so they share the responsibility to catch the dogs. Each strike comes with a $100 fine per hunter.

First, Most, Biggest

2012 Skeeter ZX22 Bay
Yamaha 250 hp SHO
Minnkota Riptide 101

Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball

I hope running dogs doesn’t go away, I get a lot of deer jumping the fence when the boys “turn loose”.

\Umm you must be being sarcastic? Or really did a 180 to your past stance. You actually saying that you want dog hunting? You been drinking?

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Quote me where said I wanted it banned.I wouldn't want that for the Middleton hunt club,who operates with class. I mentioned numerous times about the clubs/ groups that should be banned because of their unethical hunting practices.Love how members of this site can twist words to their liking.

Maybe it was when you were posting under user name Bolbie? Maybe not. But I really thought you stated a couple of times how much you would like to see dog hunting go away. If I’m wrong, I apologize Robert.

Me personally, I could care less. And if it went away, so be it. I’ve not dog hunted in 8 years, and had many a peaceful hunt over a corn pile and food plot screwed over by renegade dog hunters. My greatest concern would be that all those slamming dog hunting will step up to the plate and keep our over populated deer in check. Dam@ things are a nuisance to me.

"If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called

Still hunters can keep the population down. Make it so you can kill more deer or make doe tags cheaper and more will be harvested.

First, Most, Biggest

Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball
Originally posted by Fred67
Originally posted by poly ball

I hope running dogs doesn’t go away, I get a lot of deer jumping the fence when the boys “turn loose”.

\Umm you must be being sarcastic? Or really did a 180 to your past stance. You actually saying that you want dog hunting

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Quote me where said I wanted it banned.I wouldn't want that for the Middleton hunt club,who operates with class. I mentioned numerous times about the clubs/ groups that should be banned because of their unethical hunting practices.Love how members of this site can twist words to their liking.

Maybe it was when you were posting under user name Bolbie? Maybe not. But I really thought you stated a couple of times how much you would like to see dog hunting go away. If I’m wrong, I apologize Robert.

Me personally, I could care less. And if it went away, so be it. I’ve not dog hunted in 8 years, and had many a peaceful hunt over a corn pile and food plot screwed over by renegade dog hunters. My greatest concern would be that all those slamming dog hunting will step up to the plate a

Originally posted by Great White

Still hunters can keep the population down. Make it so you can kill more deer or make doe tags cheaper and more will be harvested.

First, Most, Biggest

. What on earth could be done to make it easier to kill more deer than NO LIMIT? And 5 dollars a doe tag is to expensive?
Originally posted by flyinghigh
Originally posted by Great White

Still hunters can keep the population down. Make it so you can kill more deer or make doe tags cheaper and more will be harvested.

First, Most, Biggest

. What on earth could be done to make it easier to kill more deer than NO LIMIT? And 5 dollars a doe tag is to expensive?
Kind of what I was thinking.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”

Don’t forget your buck tags.

Originally posted by Great White

Still hunters can keep the population down. Make it so you can kill more deer or make doe tags cheaper and more will be harvested.

First, Most, Biggest

Antlerless tags only cost $5. How much “cheaper” do you think they should be. Plus, I wouldn’t throw around the “over-populated” case too much. Not every part of this state shares the same populations densities so you can’t (or at least shouldn’t) approach every different scenario with the same approach.

Back to the doe tags, that money is a rare chunk of money that the DNR doesn’t have to fear the General Assembly will get ahold of and mismanage in lord knows what ways so I for one have no problem paying for four antlerless tags, even if I don’t use them. If $20 gets to be “too much money” for me to do something I love to do, I have much bigger problems. “Too expensive” and “more than I want to pay” are two different things.

In the future, where every stranger poses a potential threat, knowing the predator mindset is the only safe haven.

Xpress H20B Bay Series
Yamaha 115 SHO

Originally posted by pitviper0404

Yep, once Dog hunting is banned, us dog hunters that do it the right way will have plenty of time to push for legislation making the act of shooting deer over corn piles and food plots illegal… bet that would suck!!

That would be kind of cutting your own throat, wouldn’t it? Without dogs running the nocturnal bastards out, you next best thing is a good corn pile when dog hunting is outlawed.

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”

Pretty neat read and some of it entertaining.

I’ve no doubt dog hunting will go away. Besides all the piss wads that could care less where their hounds travel causing us that can only afford 50 acres to live and hunt on to pull our hair out from wayward strays, I think a lot of people that dislike dog hunting are the ones that can hit one running. I’ve dog hunted a lot and seen a lot of members leave a club because … they SUCK at shooting a moving target. We have to agree, a deer running WAO is not an easy target and it takes the best of the best sportsman to hit the bastard.

What will be will be.

“live and let live” … “those that deserve it.”