dog life jacket

considering getting the doggie a jacket to wear in the boat…she’s a lab mix, 40lbs, what I would call “athletic” in a woman :stuck_out_tongue:, nice build, good legs, tone butt, tight chest…oh sorry…anyway, pros and cons of some that you guys have for puppy dogs?

The Morris Island Lighthouse

Bonzo you do have away with words. lol

I find it a bit disturbing.

Here, you can peruse this today, it’s Friday, take it easy.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

You will be glad you got her one the first time she jumps out. It is much safer and has a handle for easy pick up out of the water. Let her wear it around the house and yard to get used to it.

Roo doesn’t mind hers at all…esp in the winter for added warmth…but then again roo is very use to getting dressed up. I too agree…esp offshore it’s a great thing to have…and could actually double as pillow for your head if you needed a nap :slight_smile:

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

mine’s altheletic as well, I just wouldn’t describer quite the same as you so vividly did:smiley: That was pretty funny!

I’m not sure the brand but my wife got this one for me. She would always hide in the center console while traveling, but since the life jacket she seems less scared. Just watch on really hot days as they can cause overheating.

Make sure the lifejackects Handle will support your dogs weight with out hurting her when/if you have to pick her up out of the water.

“If Bruce Jenner can keep his wiener and be called a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed.”