Dog woods dying, how about it Bolbie

To get away from disagreements in Politics, you know anything about it? Or anyone else? I’ve searched online. I have not contacted Clemson yet.

Does anyone know the reason for all the dogwoods dying? Here in Colleton county I have lost 11 Trees over the last two years and mom and dad have lost more. As I was driving through Forest Hills I noticed many in yards dead and dying. Blight? They do make for a hot fire when burned, guess that’s something. I sure will miss my trees. Been going strong for 25 years after I transplanted from various forest areas.

I can’t find it but, I read an article last year about some kind of “disease” effecting Dogwoods. They don’t do well during droughts but, I don’t think that is the issue. I have 3 in my backyard and they all look pretty good this year.

I have turned some dogwood on a lathe. Not a real pretty wood but, harder that I thought it would be.

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Thanks for info. You looking for anything special in a “chunk” of wood? and what size? Rarely get into hardwood tracks… but sometimes we do.

I’ve got a few that don’t look good. I just thought they were getting old. Still have some green on them, but overall not very healthy.

It’s a virus thats affecting dogwoods,been around for several years now.With extensive landscaping and crowding several plants(knock-out roses,leyland cypressand hawthorns are just a few).Mother nature at work.


Do knockout roses have an impact on other plants like dogwoods? I know the bradford pears are supposed to be bad for other nearby plants, but I don’t understand.

Dogwood Anthracnose

Use fungicides at budbreak and when early leaves form. Then spray 2 or 3 more times per season.

Most any of the fungicides at lowes or home depot will work.

Fred. I’m not picky about what I turn though I don’t do pine and other “sappy/soft” woods. Gums up your tools and soft stuff just doesn’t turn well. I make an exception for eastern red cedar as the colors are beautiful. Purples, reds, yellows. You have to turn it carefully but, it is usually worth it. I love cherry, walnut and maple, especially ambrosia maple and like turning butternut. Have never turned Hackberry but would like to if I ever got my hands on a piece. Here is an example of how pretty cedar can be. This was from a tree cut down in my yard.

Sorry, didn’t mean to derail the original thread. I love wood…not that way Peapod.


I like wood bowls too

Billy you couldn’t remember your password ??
I had to have my wife get me signed back in after the update…

No dogwoods at homeplace, so I cant verify any die-off there. Surrounding neighbors with plenty of shade have them, they all seem fine. Hardwood swamp at the farm is loaded with them, didn’t notice any stressed during turkey season.

Someone mentioned anthracnose, a possibility, but those symptoms would have been present 2-3 years ago, you probably wouldn’t have noticed then. It has been around the southern states for a while.

Dogwood twig borer will cause the dead leaves to hang on, similar to anthracnose, but they will be in clumps, not affecting the lower crown.

Powdery mildew is another culprit, hard to diagnose if unable to view the tree.

Hopefully the problem will correct itself through natural process. I know for a fact we were experiencing huge die-offs of red Bay trees 15-20 years ago in the same hardwood bottom. An entomologist buddy told me about a borer that would crawl underneath the bark of the Bay, and the bacteria left trailing behind, is what was killing the trees, not the insect itself. Now, the problem seems gone, and Bay trees are thriving.

Do know that Asian longhorned beetle has wiped out a good many Laurel oak trees at the farm, don’t know if they eat Dogwoods too?


23sail, my understanding from a friend with clemson was not them harming other trees, but cross pollinating with native pears and messing up the crops.

Good info here thanks everyone. Bolbie, on the bays, I lost some really big ones. But like you said they are making a come back.

Very nice EF! I’ve only done a little live edge turning but plan to do more. Thanks for sharing.

I didnt do that, it was a gift. I wish i had that kind of patience and talent, or really the tools to make it happen with

Dogwoods are hard for sure. My parents have one that died about 20 years ago still standing outside their living room. Birds seem to love sitting on it and it doesn’t seem like it is going anywhere anytime soon. Pretty cool to see as my dad has basically created a arboretum and that’s the only dead tree front and center.