Double Breasted Cormerants

Permit arrived today!! Looks like it’s going to be a bad weekend to be a cormorant!!

What I said all along,kill off the grass,no place for the fish to hide.Between aerial spraying and grass carp,Santee Cooper is trying hard to ruin your fishing habitat.

Originally posted by poke salad

What I said all along,kill off the grass,no place for the fish to hide.Between aerial spraying and grass carp,Santee Cooper is trying hard to ruin your fishing habitat.

Give it up poke! They made a choice and chose getting rig of cormorants instead of grass carp. It’s a win win for the fish. I also love the cypress trees. From your article :"They are ravenous fish eaters that can kill a tree with their acidic feces "

Let’s make it even better for the fish and do some bow hunting for carp!

Fred,how is the eelgrass going to regrow if they keep the grass carp?

Originally posted by poke salad

Fred,how is the eelgrass going to regrow if they keep the grass carp?

That’s where the carp bow hunt comes in, gosh man. But really if you think about it and take in the article you provided, thin out the cormorants and the low amount of eel grass won’t matter.

?All freshwater fish need a stand of submerged aquatic vegetation for the same reasons saltwater fish need coral reefs and marsh,? said Santee angler Clark McCrary. If there were enough eelgrass and other plants on the lake, ?we might not even need the (cormorant) depredation control program.?

So Fred, you think juvenile fish only have to hide from cormorants?


Mr.Fred,the first two paragraphs in the link below,you need to read them.

Originally posted by poke salad

Mr.Fred,the first two paragraphs in the link below,you need to read them.

Thanks for the link, now I can learn how to fish!!

Once Santee-Cooper is done entirely killing off the aquatic vegetation,youll need that link above, snake man.

Mr.Fred needs the other.

Originally posted by poke salad

Mr.Fred,the first two paragraphs in the link below,you need to read them.


I don’t get it? Any way, do you know how many brush piles have been dumped (super secret fishing spots) in that lake!

edit… you kind of gave a good reason to not have a ton of grass in a lake if it has good/ over abundant other structure . Isn’t that counter productive to your argument?

I put tons of brush in Marion.


lol, that was a boat load! haven’t fished for crappie in a few years!!

Hope you catch some nice slabs!

Those birds are eating a lot of fish

Not sure how to load pics but have a few with bass bream crappie shad catfish all came from these fish eaters

[quote]Originally posted by 1Greenhead

Not sure how to load pics but have a few with bass bream crappie shad catfish all came from these fish eaters

Kill em all!

Originally posted by poke salad

Once Santee-Cooper is done entirely killing off the aquatic vegetation,youll need that link above, snake man.

Mr.Fred needs the other.

So you’re the f’ing cormorant whisperer? Kill those fish-eating scourges post-haste!

The first rule of fight club is…

Originally posted by Warbler
Originally posted by poke salad

Once Santee-Cooper is done entirely killing off the aquatic vegetation,youll need that link above, snake man.

Mr.Fred needs the other.

So you’re the f’ing cormorant whisperer? Kill those fish-eating scourges post-haste!

The first rule of fight club is…

No,but if scientific evidence proves that cormorants,and only cormorants, are destroying the fish,then I say cull them all.I said that in several of my first posts on this topic.Clearly some of you cant get that to register.

Personally,I would rather spend my free time calling and shooting a gobbler,much better to eat,and probably smells better.

Did shot two Sunday morning

Well, I know of 43 cormorants that wont be eating fish this year!!