Drunk Swimming to Drum Island

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by PalmerScott
Originally posted by skinneej

What are they doing on drum island anyway? I saw where they had dozens of dirt mounds pushed up like giant ant hills. What is that all about? I say we just plant it with corn, flood it, and close off all traffic on the bridge during legal shooting time to 10am during duck season…

If you use Google to view the satellite view of Drum Island and several other surrounding islands, including Morris, you’ll see that they are all USACE dredge spoil areas. We hear about the big deepening projects, but the dredging goes on nearly non-stop.

The stuff they pump up onto the spoil areas is very watery. Much of the sediment sinks quickly and they open the gates and let the water run off. However, the ‘goop’ that remains takes a long time to give up its moisture. So, they trench the large flat mud areas to get more water to drain out. Eventually, with enough trenching and time, the spoil settles out to be pretty dry soil. In the process, the volumen is dramatically reduced. Where the berms around the spoil areas were nearly full, after draining, drying, trenching, draining, drying trenching, pumping, etc., there is very little soil left and that spoil area can be the next target to get refilled. In the meantime, they’re pumping onto an adjacent spoil area, somewhere. When that one gets ‘full’, they shift to a drained/dried spoil area.

If you look on Google maps or Earth, you can see the trenching patterns pretty easily and the big back h

Originally posted by Bolbie

those were white ibis,it was a roost as well as a nesting site for them.They all moved out after the trees they were using grew to an undesirable height.They have returned to a different area,because I now see them again flying every morning and afternoon, coming from and going to roost.

Thanks for the info. I remember seeing them as a kid. Do you remember when they disappeared? Has it been like over 20 years now? Crazy how such small changes like tree height can affect so many animals like that.

DNR and the state gave permission for tree trimming to help the birds but after the trimming took place; biologist discovered the real reason the island was abandoned was from the infestation of rats and raccoons attacking the birds and nests at night.

it was that a&m aggies dude… yakman told him it was an easy place to swim and it had lots of free blankets and cocoa!!!

“mr keys”

The owner of Art’s Bar and Grill was on Rocky D yesterday. Apparently, this guy worked there part time and was at work that night. From what ie knew, he was working with one other person and that night and he just left without saying a word, left his cash drawer unattended, left his cell phone and other items. They are not permitted to drink while on the clock, but sounds to me that this guy must have gotten into something before closing time…

Key West 19’6" CC 115hp Merc
14’ Fast Craft w/ 60hp Merc

Maybe something more to this than drinking? A “get up and go” drug perhaps?

Coming in late on this, I know, but the guy’s actions I get. Stupid stuff under the influence - we’ve all been there (maybe not THIS stupid, but still).

The MPPD rapelling off the bridge part is what I find funniest. They didn’t have a boat to get the guy? So…what was their plan when they got down there, then? Climb back up hand over hand, with the dude over someone’s shoulder?

You know it went down like this with all the New Jersey 20 somethings that make up the Mt Pleasant police force: “DUDE! Let’s use this as an excuse to freaking rapel of the bridge. That will be totally NINJA BAD ASS.”

“You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a guarantee that you shall have it.”