Duck blind

So a guy builds a blind in a public area, Lake Murray, and leaves it there. This is a specific spot where I’ve seen other hunters.

Is this now his reserved spot or can anyone use it?

Pioneer 197SF

It’s public waters, so your blind becomes public property…first come first served. Same as WMA Deer stands, if you put your stand on WMA and leave it, someone else has the right to use it, if they beat you to it.

This situation is the exact reason that shrimp baiting permits are required. Shrimpers would put out poles and leave them out all season and would threaten anyone that shimped by their poles. This could be a dangerous situation. The only way to prevent it is to prohibit blinds left in place longer the a specific period of time. Maybe 48 hours. I have no skin in the game. I do not duck hunt.

Hunting, fishing, and poker are my sports. Work when necessary.

Also, be sure to be the proper distance away from homes when hunting. A friend of mine got a big fine for duck hunting too close to a home. It was across a hill from where he was hunting on the side of a point. But he still got fined. The game warden said he was responsible for checking out the area where he was hunting! All it took was one complaint and he got busted.

stlhunr is correct first come first serve but if your not the blind builder and he shows up after you he will not be happy

Watch out, they both would have guns!

so far so good

the guy hunted the blind 4 times

my buddies moved it and hunted it Saturday, the original builder moved it back and hunted it this morning

Pioneer 197SF