Duck hunt from kayak?

My brother and I just got into duck hunting this past season. The area we hunt is to low for anything other than a kayak most days. I fish regularly from a kayak and usually only post in the fishing forums so I am comfortable operating from one. We went out opening day not having a clue what we were doing and both shot a woodie. We ended up killing a couple more throughout the season (about 5 trips). The first trips we didn’t have decoys so everything was just pass shooting. My question is does anyone else hunt from a kayak and/or have any tips on how to give us a better experience?

yes…currently have the m-80 creek boat… love it, very stable, easy to maneuver

I have float hunted swamps for over 35 years from a canoe with much success. Have thought about using a kayak, but the double-bladed paddle would be too much, in my opinion. ANY movement will spook the birds. I try to scull with my large blade paddle when birds are spotted, but even this can be too much. As for using one for transportation to get to a spot to throw out dekes and blind up, excellent idea. And, no dog required!! We’ve actually carried one in my boat when we had no dog.