Duck hunting legal area

Does anyone know the regulations on where you can duck hunt? I have an area that you can get to by water, but not sure if it is legal. Any info would be appreciated.

Is it accessible by navigable water from a public boat ramp? Is it far enough away from houses? Is it inside and wma or dnr land/reserve? Read the regs?

It is accessable by water, not a boat ramp, but side of road in a canoe. It is not near houses, but is not WMA land that’s why I’m concerned.

Is it public water/connected to public water? If so go for it!

Check for nearby city limits as well - the use of firearms may be restricted. Hope it’s legal and you blast some ducks!

I would look at the GIS for the particular area and make sure you are not about to go in someone’s private swamp.

Surffish…I had the same question last year and couldn’t find an answer that I felt 100% comfortable with. If you look on the SC DNR’s website they have a “Who we are” type list complete with phone numbers. Find the GW that is listed for the GZ you’re hunting and give him/her a shout. Probably leave a vm but they will call you back. You can tell them where it is and they will confirm or deny the legality of the area. Hope this helps.

I’m not slurring my words…I’m simply speaking in cursive.