Did some scouting today at Dungannon. This will be my first season hunting in SC. I walked about 4 miles total about half of that was in monsoon conditions. I didn’t jump any deer, I saw surprising little deer sign although there has been a lot of rain lately and it was pretty soupy. All in all it looks like a tough place to bow hunt. Based on my experience I didn’t see any place I’d feel super confident spending a whole lot of time except for maybe during the rut when you never know. Looks like mother nature isn’t going to give up anything too easily.
I did see one gator and some ducks. I’ve spent a fair amount of time up north tracking arrowed deer into swamps but I’ve never dealt with gators before do you guys give them any thought if your deer runs in the water?
I ended up drawing for Donnelly this year, not sure if I’m going to be able to make it because of work yet. I suspect that property might be a little easier to find some deer on. Anyone have any thoughts or advice?
18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.
“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway
Scouted another WMA this past Wednesday myself. Lots of Deer sign close to a waterway I access by canoe. Saw 5 Gator dens, and some baby Gators, and I big Gator. Yeah, I keep an eye out for the Gators since I hunt close to where they live. Splashing water while you are walking through it can attract Gators to you, so if your Deer goes into the water they may go after it too. Never really felt threatened by Gators, but have had a few encounters that get your heart rate soaring PDQ. I worry more about all the Water Moccasins we have here…
I also got drawn for Donnelley October 12th-14th. Never been out there as this is the first year I put in for the draw hunts. Looking forward to it. I’ve heard good things that they have some big deer in there.
I’m drawn for the next week, right now I work on the first day with the orientation class I’m trying to work it out so I can go to it. I’d love to hear how you did and any insights on the property after you hunt it. Good luck
18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.
“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway
For sure! I’ll be hunting by myself so it will be interesting I’m sure but supposedly being a QDMA WMA there should be some opportunities. I looked at it and its a new moon, rut should be in full effect and hopefully the weather will hold so all the stars appear to be lining up right now!
There is some great hunting in Dungannon. Not easy hunting. This buck was killed couple years ago on the Dungannon island. If you look at aerial map the island is half hunt club and half dungannon. You can wade over to it if the water table is normal or less. The boundaries were clearly marked when I used to hunt it.
Hunted Donnelley last Monday to Wednesday on a draw hunt. It was my first time putting in for the draw hunts but it was a blast. The week prior, which was the first week for gun hunts, they killed 22 or 23 deer between 14 hunters. This past week when I went, Oct. 12-14, we had 35 hunters and only killed 6 deer total. Several people reported seeing bucks chasing does. I took the climber and hunted hard and only saw one little spike, a bobcat and a (**() armadillo while sitting in the stand, but it sure is a pretty piece of property to hunt. The game wardens out there were awesome and really tried to help point me in the right direction. Looking forward to trying to get in there again next year. I’m sure the group that hunts this week will kill some deer with the temperature drop coming through and the rut picking up even more! CatchyUserName, I know you said you are drawn for this week coming up, so PM me and I’ll fill you in.
Did some scouting today at Dungannon. This will be my first season hunting in SC. I walked about 4 miles total about half of that was in monsoon conditions. I didn’t jump any deer, I saw surprising little deer sign although there has been a lot of rain lately and it was pretty soupy. All in all it looks like a tough place to bow hunt. Based on my experience I didn’t see any place I’d feel super confident spending a whole lot of time except for maybe during the rut when you never know. Looks like mother nature isn’t going to give up anything too easily.
I did see one gator and some ducks. I’ve spent a fair amount of time up north tracking arrowed deer into swamps but I’ve never dealt with gators before do you guys give them any thought if your deer runs in the water?
I ended up drawing for Donnelly this year, not sure if I’m going to be able to make it because of work yet. I suspect that property might be a little easier to find some deer on. Anyone have any thoughts or advice?
18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.
“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway
Sounds good ML913, I had a bunch of stuff come up with work and family. I made it out for one afternoon hunt picked a small plot in the woods. Last night saw 2 turkeys that walked within 5 yards of the stand and had 2 deer step out in the last 10 minutes of shooting light. I had the feeling another was behind them but it was getting dark. I poped the bigger of the two with about 5 minutes left to see. It ended up being a small doe (she’ll taste good), unless some things change that will probably conclude my deer season this year.
Holligan that’s a hell of a deer. After that heavy rain they closed down a lot of dungannon from what i understand after that storm I guess the spillway washed out. I looked at the island your talking about and it intrigues me. It seems daunting wading over there with all the gear. I might check it out next year if I stumble on a cheap canoe over the winter.
Best of luck guys
18ft Polar CC 115 Yam.
“Pamplona is no place to bring your wife” Earnest Hemmingway