"Earl E Bird" 5-20-16

Left dock at 5:15 knowing there was some Northeast wind on the beach , and calling for southeast offshore. Wanted to go to the scarp but the Frantic Atlantic wasn’t going to let me go that way even halfway comfortably. So, let the ocean decide what direction, ok smooth ride to the Georgetown hole no problem. Once we get outside the northeast wind there is enough wind and sea on the nose to make that direction uncomfortable. Turn some more to the east and make it to the break at about the 850 line. Worked the break up to the scarp. Between the wind, left over swell and current it was like a washing machine all morning. By the time we picked up everything had settled down pretty good for the ride home, 47 miles to Georgetown. The fist 20 miles or so we’re a nice following quartering sea ride. The last 20 miles are where it had been blowing northeast all day. It was a sporty ocean. Ended up with 7 dolphin, 3 blackfins , and a king and some less desirables.
We will do it again soon.

Capt. Ed Keelin
“Earl E Bird” Charters

Nice report;)