Edisto charter looking for another soon

Wednesay, 5 hour charter after cobia and Black Sea bass. We’re looking to make the trip a little cheaper by pulling together 4. Two committed so far for Wednesday. $650 for the trip regardless of passenger count up to 6, I think. Trying to stay closer to 4 fishing.

Call 770-543-8696 (Paul) that’s me.
404-401-3793 (Bo) committed participant that doesn’t know about this post yet.

I got ur name and number from edisto watersports. I’ll give u a call in a little while. I was gonna stop by and talk to one of the captains before I commit. I use to cobia fish off of Edisto every year but got rid of boat last year.

Thanks, Jeremy

211 key west 175 suzuki

Cool. I’m on the beach and might not hear the call, so keep the online comms going. They have our names at Edisto WS, so jump on anytime for Wednesday. The day is still technically flexible, but we’re trying to pin it down.

Still lookin’! Let me hear from ya.

Originally posted by beaufortjay

I got ur name and number from edisto watersports…
Thanks, Jeremy

211 key west 175 suzuki

You still thinking about joining us? We could use you for sure!