Showed up to show out! Arrived right as the rain started and knew it would only last an hour. Had the whole bank to myself and man was it on !!! These rascals were busting topwater everywhere for 4 hours straight…that is until the floodgates opened up. Man did I have a freakin’ blast!!!
Drug 15 on the bank, lost over 20 singles as i tried to drag them up and my hook would straighten out, lost 8 doubles also trying to drag their big @$$3$ up the bank which again straightened the hooks, lost 5 due to being freshwater tarpon, lost over 10 that the hook just ripped their mouths in mid fight, and had one pushing 5 pounds break me off at the water’s edge.
Splittailbasics ain’t playing around this time…meanwhile Youngen Style and her BF were pulling fat gals out the ponds. Stand by for that episode…