Electric Vehicles and Road taxes

We all know our current administration would love to see us all in EV’s, but then where will they get the tax revenue to build and maintain new roads? Gas taxes are the largest source of funding for highway construction and maintenance.

I’m all for our Environment, but until we come up with a feasible replacement for fossil fuel, lets get back to producing it in full scale right here at home. Simple fact is at this time and in our future, when do not have the lithium to replace fossil fueled vehicles. Besides that if you do the research, batteries are more deadly to our environment with manufacturing, use, and disposal. Not to mention we still need a source of energy to charge our Batteries.

Silly wabbit


everyone knows we have to pass the bills first to find out what’s in it


the next billionaire will be the shade tree mechanic that invents the odometer hacking device :thinking: Shark Tank

Just run out and buy you a new electric Silverado, AKA Avalanche…its only $107,000.

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

How do we get this type of info out to the general public because most do not realize this. Obviously main stream media would be no help.

[navy]Sportsman Masters 207 Yamaha F150[/navy]

So many reasons the country isn’t ready for an all EV society.

  1. Not everyone has $50,000 for a new EV.
  2. Even if everyone had the $, there simply are not enough EVs available.
  3. The infrastructure doesn’t exist to support al all EV society. Charging stations, the power needed, etc…
  4. EVs simply do not fit everyone’s lifestyle. Who wants to drive long distance, stopping to recharge several times?

I’m sure there are more but these seem to be enough of a reason.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Here’s another crazy fact about Coal. We can burn it clean! Even cleaner than our newest Diesel engines in Full Tier IV emissions. The amount of Oil in Alaska surpases what the Saudi’s have ever had. We could tap Alaska and have oil to export and us at home for the next 100 years or more. Just think of the advancements in Batteries by that time!!! Probably have solar so perfected we could run on just a small cell on a cloudy day and then have enough to charge batteries to last all night of running.

Wonder what ever happened to Hydrogen as a green fuel source… Just need a little water… Guess there is no money in that, and anyone with common sense and a tiny bit of critical thinking knows the powers that be would not support this. The only green they are worried about is green money.

Strip mining
Lithium some pretty nasty stuff.
We’ve got a ant and uncle
that lives in Arkansas.
They have several oil wells/pump’s on the property 1 in their backyard.

Compare the amount of energy that’s produced from just one well. How many acres of land would be destroyed to try to compete with that 1 well.

You find things offensive. I find things funny. That's why I'm happier than you.

22 life’s a day

'67 Corvette is electric, right guys?

“Another poon dream splintered on the rocks of reality.” --Peepod 07-25-2017

We’re generally on the same page with this stuff. But, we need to be careful about what we say because as soon as we give the left 1" they take a mile and run with it. So, in the interest of keeping our arguments against lefty lunacy tidy, be aware that hydrogen is NOT an energy source. It is merely repackaged energy from some other source. And, making hydrogen is not a low energy trick. The water molecule is not a weakly bonded molecule. It takes a fair amount of energy to split it into H and O2. And, that energy has to come from somewhere else.

It kinda’ like ethanol is not an energy source. It is simply repackaged fossil fuels. From an intelligent thinking green conservation perspective ethanol is a train wreck. Hydrogen is just about as bad.

With both hydrogen and alcohol, you get a LOT LESS energy out than you have to put in.

Sorry for the rant…

--------------------------- 17' Henry O Hornet w/ Yamaha 115 26' Palmer Scott project hull 14' Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Thanks for the info on hydrogen… Love a civil disagreement / different perspective. :+1: I still feel hydrogen along with better batteries are in our future.

On the Alcohol there are some pretty neat sources that could be used such as Prairie Grass. I think everyone is stuck on Corn which is not very efficient. All the millions of acres the Government is paying farmers to lay fallow could be used to grow different varieties of grass that need little to no fertilizer.

Off from that, I’ve seen some new reports that at our current use of fossil fuels, we have over 200 years of it left. Figure how far man has come in the last 50 years, I’m sure we can find something within 200 years. Just fear mongering from our Government and “green” groups on fossil fuels being dirty and about to run out. Supposedly our newest Diesel engines exhaust is actually cleaner than the air it sucks in.

Friend of mine asked me what batteries for an EV cost. I had no clue, but after doing a little searching most are in the $16000-20.000 range. Tesla’s coming in at $24,000. Same dudes sister in law got a 2014 ford used and it needs a battery. Discontinued… cant get one.

I’ve always been someone that gets a vehicle and seldom trades or sells for many years. Looks like if anyone decides to get an ev battery life is only 8 years 10 tops with proper charging practices. typical warranty is 5 years 60,000 miles with some companies pushing it out to 8 years and 100,000 miles.

Here are some more current facts regarding EVs

We don’t have the infrastructure and I don’t like how child labor is used to make batteries. Also what’s the current regulations on battery disposal?

According to new reports, y’all need to buy EVs, drive them to factory farms owned by Gates and the CCP, plant and harvest vegetables and insects to feed the peasants while the elites feast on imported filet mignon