Elevator in flood zone

I’m scared of escalators… Those things will get your toes if you don’t jump off early…

Just having a little fun with Skinnee. Heck, if I ever went upstairs at my house, I might want one.

Same here :smiley: We have a 2 story house and I go upstairs about twice a year. If I need something from up there I send my wife. Keeps her exercised :smiley:

Capt. Larry Teuton
Swamp Worshiper

Protip…use the elevator to shuffle your liquor from floor to floor should you not have a wetbar at each location. This elevator is in a floodzone, but I ain’t the one making payments so not sure what the deal is.

Originally posted by skinneej

I’m scared of escalators… Those things will get your toes if you don’t jump off early…

You joke.

Saw a kid sucked into one in an air port. Really bad stuff. He apparently fell and it caught his sleeve. Escalator was stopped and they were frantically dismantling the end of it to get the kid lose. Injuries weren’t likely life threatening, but, it tore up his hand/fore arm.

Gives me the heeebee jeeebies every time I step off of one of those things since.

Sorry for the downer.

Please return to beatin Skinnee up for living to well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

17’ Henry O Hornet w/ Johnson 88 spl
26’ Palmer Scott project hull
14’ Bentz-Craft w/ Yamaha 25

Skinnneej don’t get an escalator! I don’t want this to be you!

Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

You call that a stash?!?! Muhahahahaha!!! I had a stash like that once.......................... when I was 13...

PS, You know the tops of those liquor bottles are “screw off” caps, right? I think your corkscrew opener is a little overkill…

Just ribbin’ ya schoolsout…

Originally posted by skinneej
Originally posted by SchoolsOut1

You call that a stash?!?! Muhahahahaha!!! I had a stash like that once.......................... when I was 13...

PS, You know the tops of those liquor bottles are “screw off” caps, right? I think your corkscrew opener is a little overkill…

Just ribbin’ ya schoolsout…

That ain’t my stash, either! You know how I roll…like a Bernie Sanders supporter. The best is always someone else’s :slight_smile:

Seriously, though…I can ask my dad how his insurance deals with the elevator. Their house underneath is enclosed, but doors do open up for most of it except for the man room and elevator. I know he’s switched ins. company in the last year or 2 with a pretty substantial drop in premium (but he may have gone with much higher deductible).

Flood is 13’ BFE and bottom floor is at 18.5’. Slab is at 9.5’, So house is sitting up 9’ off of the ground which is a +5 over flood. So we should qualify for the “best rates”… The only “enclosure” is the elevator that comes all the way down”

The enclosure and equipment is -3.5’ below base flood and is being rated according to FEMA’s Flood Manual. Any enclosure or equipment below base flood (13’) blows the premium out of the water.
It’s a $20,000 elevator.

Also consider that coastal flood premiums for a VE zone (or any other zone for that matter) are heavily subsidized by taxpayers that do not live in flood zones. Without taxpayer subsidy your flood premiums would be sky high with or without the elevator.

You folks that live on barrier islands might want to think about that every time you cuss the dirty, unwashed mainlanders that come to spend a day at the beach.

Just saying.

It ain’t as bad as the pig tries to make it sound.

Originally posted by scatter shot

Also consider that coastal flood premiums for a VE zone (or any other zone for that matter) are heavily subsidized by taxpayers that do not live in flood zones. Without taxpayer subsidy your flood premiums would be sky high with or without the elevator.

You folks that live on barrier islands might want to think about that every time you cuss the dirty, unwashed mainlanders that come to spend a day at the beach.

Just saying.

Well, the only problem with your thesis is that the top 20% of income earners (anyone making more than $134K) pay 84% of the taxes. Those are the ones that own those beach houses... So, no, the guys who go down to the beach on the weekends are NOT subsidizing people who pay 500% more taxes than they do...

Secondly, flood insurance is high because the rates are set by Congress. The only ones that are “subsidized” is the guys living in $200K houses that are asked to pay $3500 year for flood insurance. Those subsidies do not apply for the houses you are talking about…

Thirdly, in a free market that works off of supply and demand, nobody would pay these flood premiums if they weren’t required by law. A few years ago, people in $200K houses got hit with $20K flood insurance bills before congress realized they buggered it up… If the government didn’t force lenders to require flood, who in turn force home owners, do you think anyone would pay these rates? No…

So, while your thesis is a speech straight out of the Bernie Sanders playbook, it’s simply not true…

Originally posted by scatter shot

The enclosure and equipment is -3.5’ below base flood and is being rated according to FEMA’s Flood Manual. Any enclosure or equipment below base flood (13’) blows the premium out of the water.
It’s a $20,000 elevator.

Equipment is in the ATTIC which is 30+ feet above flood... Elevators are capable of going UP, so it could be parked up on the top floor during a flood... So, no you are not correct... The only thing that would be below flood would be a concrete elevator shaft that is about 5' x 5'... So, while it sounds "naughty" on paper, this could easily be architected with pop off walls, vents, etc. The ONLY thing that makes this a premium is STUPID GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS THAT ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY...

And remember, the house is built up 5’ ABOVE where Hurricane Hugo flood waters supposedly rose at their peak… Which I highly doubt really reached that high this far up the Stono River… If the Stono river rises 19’, then we have bigger issues than the house in question…

So again, government involvement is the REASON flood insurance rates are high to begin with.