Elf on a shelf

I’ll be the corny one:


The reason for the season.

Originally posted by mdaddy

I’ll be the corny one:


The reason for the season.

What’s corny about that?

The problem is how do you explain to a kid that another house has some magical connection with Santa and we don’t. It is putting parents in a predicament to either give in and do the darn thing or break it down to them and tell the truth. A bit different than Santa because Santa is accepted globally and has been around for thousands of years. Not this dumb Chinese made doll.

I’m not going to say anymore because folks are a bit sensitive to this whole thing, and it’s not my place to try and convince them otherwise.

And it makes it even more silly when parents post on Facebook daily what there’s did. I think social media and the attention whore that is society has magnified it larger than it is.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

Wow, a pretty mundane and insignificant little toy to have so many grown men debating the merits or lack their of it. My wife has one in her class. The kids named him and they love it. She doesn’t tie it into whether or not Santa comes, she just tells them it makes the Elf happy when they behave and do all their work. If the class is good, the Elf “leaves” a little treat for them overnight. She has been doing it for years, it’s never caused a problem and as far as I know, no kids were scarred by the experience.

Oh and Easy, she did not like the little Elf “pooping” on a cookie. She said her Elf, Finklestein would never do such a thing.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

13 years of Corporate Christmas Con Game to replace the centuries of the real significance of Christmas?

Sorry DF.

Originally posted by DFreedom

Wow, a pretty mundane and insignificant little toy to have so many grown men debating the merits or lack their of it.

have you seen the politics forum buddy? there are some pro’s in there. just click in and out real quick or one of em will suck you in.

The minute people became parents they put themselves “in a predicament.” Welcome to parenthood. If having to explain how or why someone else does something is the biggest “predicament” a parent has to deal with, they should consider themselves lucky.

Again, if it puts a smile on a child’s face and brings laughs and/or joy to a family, why should you care? So you don’t like it. Ok, then don’t participate.

I know what you’re doing, Geronimo. You’re practicing your arguing for the upcoming bowl games, aren’t you? Gotta be because there’s no way something as trivial as EOTS has you this riled up.

“…be a man and PM me.”

Originally posted by PeaPod
Originally posted by DFreedom

Wow, a pretty mundane and insignificant little toy to have so many grown men debating the merits or lack their of it.

have you seen the politics forum buddy? there are some pro’s in there. just click in and out real quick or one of em will suck you in.

Sorry mhebbard, but here’s the real winner. This guy gets it.

“…be a man and PM me.”

I missed putting out for the tooth fairy 3 nights in a row. No dang way I would be capable of performing an EOTS ritual every night.

Again, to each there own. My kids know how silly it is but still enjoy the magic of Santa and understand what Christmas is all about. It just seems like a heck of a lot of build up for a month over presents. You are basically saying to your kids, be good for the elf because he is going to report to Santa and you might not get anything. Showing your kids on a daily basis that the meaning of Christmas time is presents IMO. But to each their own.

Now, to those that use the Elf to send great messages, I applaud you. Like having the elf come back with a note that says Santa wants you to help out someone that is unfortunate, or donate your time to service. Or call and talk to an elderly family member, etc. then I think it could be a valuable lesson for kids. Unfortunately all I see are Elves locked in freezers, harassing pets, and dropping Hershey’s kisses on the table.

1979 17’ Montauk
90 Johnson

Wilderness Ride 115

have you seen the politics forum buddy? there are some pro's in there. just click in and out real quick or one of em will suck you in

I get pulled in every now and then but, for the most part, I stay out of that section.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?