My son and I are going to hunt elk next year and the number of outfitters out there is overwhelming. Anyone have any experiences to share? We’re planning to try for New Mexico, Colorado, and maybe Idaho.
First off, you need to draw a permit, for where you want to hunt! Take your checkbook! When you get the permit, then book an outfitter for that area. Some or most good outfitters, will guide and help you through the permiting process.
are you lookiong for free range or fenced?
Key West Stealth
150 V-max
I am no expert, but have done quite a bit of research on the subject. It all depends on what type of hunt you want and how much you are looking to spend? Some outfitters have fancy lodges and huge private ranches to hunt. Others have permits to hunt National Forest land and have camps set up with wall tents, etc. Wilderness hunts are horseback or on foot only. You can hunt early season (bow or muzzleloader) or late season. The rut is in September and the migration starts in October with the first big snow storms. November and later hunts are lower elevation, big heards, lots of snow.
Colorado has the most elk and the most elk hunters. It is an opportunity state, which means it doesnt have the biggest trophies but you can get a tag every year and even over-the-counter. Idaho has OTC areas, but also has less elk and more problems with Wolves. There are some big elk that come from Idaho, but I would check the area, because some areas the wolves have hurt the heards.
New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Utah are your best bet for bigger elk but most areas will be draw so you need to be talking to an outfitter soon because most of these states draw early spring. Wyoming draw is in January, but I think you can still purchase a preference point for $50 right now so you can have 1 point going into the draw to improve your chances for a better area.
Mike Eastman wrote a book called “Elk Hunting the West, The Eastman Way”. In that book it has a chapter on how to “Sniff out an Outfitter” and what kind of questions to ask them when booking a hunt.
Your first task is to narrow down what type of hunt you are looking for, then which state. Hope this helps.
As a guide for an outfitter in Illinois, we aren’t an elk outfit by any means, but I started out as hunting with outfitters.
First off BE CAREFUL!!! A lot of outfitters are only there to take your money and put themselves on t.v. ! So do your home work, I start out with a list of guys I think look good. Then start calling those guys, when you do ask for referral from guys who killed elk and guys who DIDNT kill… Those are the guys that will confirm if there are enough animals to make a good hunt. I’ve heard a lot of guys getting their money stolen by guys who put them next to a freeway or put you up where there’s no animals. I’ve been to 2 places myself that I have gotten my money stolen from me in south Carolina, of course they weren’t elk outfitters but thieves are in every state.
For instance where I guide my outfitter is BUCKCHASERS , we used to be called Midwest whitetail adventures, but one of the owners split and moved MWA to Kansas. Funny thing is mark knight of MWA uses all of the trophies killed on what is now BUCKCHASERS, mark uses poke county trophies to promote Kansas. If you look on you’ll see my pic with my buck promoting Kansas, and I’ve never even seen that state. So moral of the story … DO YOUR BACKGROUND checks thouroghly on what outfitters you have picked out.
There are good outfitters out there that don’t lie and cheat…have fun. Hope I didn’t scare ya.
Also try these,, These sites have ratings for outfitters you’ll find a good one there!!!
We might get some Elk to hunt close to home in the near future. The ones that were re-intruduced around Maggie Valley seem to be doing well.
Experiences I can share with you is the fact that Elk is by far my favorite game meat. I can also tell you that if you are off sking and an elk walks by your car, they are apt to crap on it and smear it. True thing. Ask whatever outfitter how far you will have to be tracking in, even field dressed an Elk is a heavy animal. Some love remote access and others don’t mind a penned in hunt. Last put some thought into if and how your getting your meat back home. Lot’s of outfitters provide this service in the cost of the hunt, others it is additional.
< Evil is simply the absence of God >
I have gone with a buddy on diy hunts in CO the last 3yrs and LOVED it.Went 2/3.Cost was $2k/person the first year(new gear ) and ~$1500 the next 2yrs.
“Modern day Robin Hoodism-Steal from the sucessful and give to the poorly motivated.” he is free range with private lease land he also goes into the public land when necessary.
I hunted with this guy in 08 Wynn is his name he is in Wyoming close to Colorado border. You can do non guided, semi guided and full guide hunts. I shot mule deer and antelope with him but saw plenty of elk while doing so. Not a bad place to start, also if you are going to look at an unknown outfitter I would make sure they are members of SCI.SCI has some good teeth to it if a outfitter screws over a member.
Key West Stealth
150 V-max
If you are interested you can contact me at, I can fill you in on all the details of all three states and can point you in the direction of a couple good outfitters.
We’re also looking at Wyoming now. Anyone ever used a guide from or hunted in that area?
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