Emergency plan, tropical weather

7, hurtful. you seem to be lashing out alot lately, even over bobber nomenclature.

During a State of Emergency, age requirements go out the door DF! You need to conserve water and what better way, than to drink beer! Besides it’s Bonzo’s beer and with the electric out, it has to be drunk before it gets warm:wink:

Latest update for Bonzo from the State Climatologist:

Good Morning,

Nope, not happening today either. 99L remains a sprawling, disorganized, open wave located roughly over and north of the eastern tip of Cuba. 99L is drifting WNW at 10 mph with a random trail of convective cells. 99L will be tracking over the shallower waters of the Bahamas today and tomorrow. SSTs are plenty warm but that warmth is not deep enough to support TC genesis, 60 meters or 197 feet is the magic mixed layer depth required. Despite reduced shear and less dry air entrainment, 99L will remain thermodynamically constrained until late Saturday or early Sunday when this rag-tag system reaches the Florida Strait and finds deeper, warmer water on a more westward track.

Models continue to hint strongly that 99L enters the GoMex early Monday morning only to find more warm water. The intensification forecast, fraught with Badgers, is nebulous to say the least with 99L drifting over the eastern GoMex. There is no consistent track or intensity forecast yet for next week. Florida Panhandle to the Texas coast is fair game. Maybe. Or not. The paint peels, the grass grows, the Prudent Mariner abides.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

DF, I love those spaghetti maps that show a 95% chance of the storm making landfall somewhere between ireland and hawaii. helps me a bunch.

I’ve spoken to Bonzo’s people about this.

Typical weatherman stuff. 50% chance of…

And what is the difference between party cloudy and partly sunny?

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Originally posted by DFreedom

Latest update for Bonzo from the State Climatologist:

Good Morning,

Nope, not happening today either. 99L remains a sprawling, disorganized, open wave located roughly over and north of the eastern tip of Cuba. 99L is drifting WNW at 10 mph with a random trail of convective cells. 99L will be tracking over the shallower waters of the Bahamas today and tomorrow. SSTs are plenty warm but that warmth is not deep enough to support TC genesis, 60 meters or 197 feet is the magic mixed layer depth required. Despite reduced shear and less dry air entrainment, 99L will remain thermodynamically constrained until late Saturday or early Sunday when this rag-tag system reaches the Florida Strait and finds deeper, warmer water on a more westward track.

Models continue to hint strongly that 99L enters the GoMex early Monday morning only to find more warm water. The intensification forecast, fraught with Badgers, is nebulous to say the least with 99L drifting over the eastern GoMex. There is no consistent track or intensity forecast yet for next week. Florida Panhandle to the Texas coast is fair game. Maybe. Or not. The paint peels, the grass grows, the Prudent Mariner abides.

Hope Mizzell is a weather babe…no Stephanie Abrams, but close enough…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Originally posted by PeaPod

7, hurtful. you seem to be lashing out alot lately, even over bobber nomenclature.

I don’t like it when you point out my emotional instability because then I have to acknowledge it and it makes me uncomfortable.

Great, now he is in a shame spiral. Break out the hurt feelings SWAT team.

Say you are sorry Pea.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Don’t make me go to Facebook for sympathy…

bump…tropics are heating up…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

I just saw the update from the State Climatologist. Y’all are going to get WET! Possibility of 4-7" of coastal rain up to 10" in isolated pockets. Hunker down folks, stay dry. I’ll tell Connor to head your way Bonzo.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

Hey DF, send me the address for Bonzo and I’ll go drink the PBR before Conner can get ahold of it.

16’ Bonito 65 Johnson

Hey DF, send me the address for Bonzo and I'll go drink the PBR before Conner can get ahold of it.

I appreciate the sacrifice there Coot!

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

The latest form the State Climatologist:

Good Morning,

Now Tropical Storm Hermine (Yes, French…), nee 99L, nee TD 9, is a sprawling, soggy, gas bag roughly centered 530 mile southwest of Beaufort. Hermine is tracking north-northeast at 12 mph with sustained winds of 60 mph . Tropical storm force winds extend out 100 mile ahead and east- southeast of the center of circulation. Hermine’s organization, is well, not. Convection is globbed on the eastern side of the storm indicating shear and the storm beginning to interact with land. Still amazed Hermine did not intensify faster, earlier over warm, deep GoMex water. MJO perhaps?

Due to the asymmetry of the storm and the difficulty of nailing the center of circulation, the forecast track has been, to say the least, variable during the last 24 hours. The latest forecast track is just inland of the coast but still could vary east-west as the storm spins down over land. Landfall is expected on the Florida Panhandle late tonight, entering South Carolina at sunrise Friday. Hermine will see a brief window to intensify slightly before landfall to a 75 mph hurricane before landfall. Hurricane winds in South Carolina? No.

Rain begins filtering in today with 4-6 inches expected along the coast and 2-3 inches across the Midlands. Winds 30-35 mph gusting to 50 along the coastal track of the storm with 55-60 mph winds offshore for the imprudent mariners. There is a slight risk of isolated tornadoes east of the coastal storm track which now appears well offshore; however, any westward permutation during the next 24 hours could bring that risk onshore. Rapid, “What tropical storm?” clearing Saturday.

For the latest watches and warnings and hazardous outlooks, please consult your friendly local National Weather Service web page via www.weather.gov

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

The Democreeps have us all beat! This approach works just as well when preparing for a Hurricane!

Originally posted by DFreedom

Convection is globbed on the eastern side of the storm indicating shear and the storm beginning to interact with land. Still amazed Hermine did not intensify faster, earlier over warm, deep GoMex water. MJO perhaps?

for PeaPod:

Madden Julian oscillation

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Uhhh, going to need you to dumb that down a little bit. Please explain to me like I’m 23 searching for a poling skiff

the MJO is a facet of the weather that basically circles the globe…depending on current local weather patterns the MJO can either enhance or dehance (is that even a word?) the effects…think of it like double bouncing someone on the trampoline…if the timing is just right you can really enhance the other person’s jump…timing off a little and you can dehance (dangit, there it is again) their jump…is that 23 dummied down enough?

this is a good nugget:
Evidence suggests that the Madden–Julian oscillation modulates this activity (particularly for the strongest storms) by providing a large-scale environment that is favorable (or unfavorable) for development

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Evidence suggests that the Madden–Julian oscillation modulates this activity (particularly for the strongest storms) by providing a large-scale environment that is favorable (or unfavorable) for development

my head hurts. also i feel like you’re bullying me with your weather superiority. and bullying is wrong

Originally posted by PeaPod
Evidence suggests that the Madden–Julian oscillation modulates this activity (particularly for the strongest storms) by providing a large-scale environment that is favorable (or unfavorable) for development

my head hurts. also i feel like you’re bullying me with your weather superiority. and bullying is wrong

I remember when I was having self esteem problems in this thread. Grab those spiderman underoos, jerk them up high, and buck-up champ.