Epstein and such.

Just enjoying a good cup of coffee and a little t.v. and some youtube videos. I came across one article Asking for the Client list in Ghislaine Maxwell case in her part of Epstein’s pay for child sex Island that so many top figures from New York to France, Israel, Buckingham Palace, the Caribbean and pretty much everywhere in the World went to. Company leaders, politicians, Holly Wood “stars”, and the list goes on but still won’t be released. We have Ukraine being used to create an Energy crisis in America and push the left’s “green deal”. We have more media coverage on a stupid slap from the idiot Will Smith pretending to be angry at Chris Rock for a Joke he just laughed his butt off over. Martha Stuart goes to jail for doing what Pelosi has been doing for years among other congress members. We have a law agency member now going to jail for sending classified info over an unsecured server while Hillary did it for years and refused for six months to turn over her server to the FBI and nothing.

We have politicians left and right making 10X more than the S&P returns,

We still have 18,000 illegals entering our country daily.

Biden has now released our precious oil reserves.

China has ramped up fentanyl production to send to Mexican Drug lords to come into America. We have 175 deaths a day in America alone from Fentanyl that could be stopped by our president, but he focuses on a lynching bill… More on that communist bill against free speech to come.

On the Epstein thing, we had a Top level coroner state it was not a homicide due to the broken bones in his neck. 50 years and thousands of jail house hangings and non ever had three neck fractures from a suicide. He was taken off the case and replaced with a different coroner. No photo exists of Epstein’s body as it was found in his cell, he had injection marks on his arms, he had bruising on his shoulders, the guards after finding Epstein said they cut him down, but the evidence bagged noose was not cut, two