evening fishing at the jetties

Fellow fish’oholics, This may seem silly but, Can the jetties yield good fishing in the evenings as well as the morning? I rarely see much talk on here about being out there in the evenings.
I think about some strange stuff sometimes… :slight_smile:

232 Well Craft Coastal

I haven’t done it in a couple of years, but I used to fish the jetties in the evening during this time of year when the days are the longest often. On a clear day it doesn’t get dark until 9 or so. We caught some nice big reds, flounder, trout, sharks, whiting, bluefish and would sometimes pull anchor and chase schools of Spanish on the outside of the south jetty.

Jack Taylor

If I was ever there after dark, I would gladly try a late afternoon/evening trip. Things will probably have calmed down by that time and I would imagine fishing might be good then.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”.

I imagine the threat of thunderstorms keeps a lot of people away during this time of year.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

i would have to be anchored and setup before sunset. no way am i going to try and anchor at the jetties using moon light.

Originally posted by tigerfin

I imagine the threat of thunderstorms keeps a lot of people away during this time of year.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

That’s why I don’t do it. Got caught out there one time and that was enough. In the spring or fall, sure.

Thx. Getting down from O’burg, getting bait etc before 6am can be a challange for my ride along fishermen. :slight_smile:

232 Well Craft Coastal