experienced gator hunter with xbows, boat avail,

I started gator hunting 4 years ago and am a bit obsessed with it. I didn’t pull a tag this year so I’ve been taking friends that got tags… I have my boat set up for gator hunting, 2 crossbows rigged for gator (gator-aider, steeleforce broadheads, bolts…etc), harpoon, bang stick, lights… pretty much everything you need. I’ve been out with a local guide in the past and I’m planning on guiding next year once I get my captains license. Most of my hunting has been in Midlands and one hunt at Bear Island WMA (cousin pulled a bear island WMA tag a few years ago).

I thought I would offer my assistance because I’m always up for going. If anyone has a tag and doesn’t have the equipment or experience, my schedule is flexible and I’d be more than happy to go. Last year I had a public tag and had a problem with people cancelling on me and gator hunting is not something you want to do by yourself (although I considered it). So if anyone needs someone to go with send me a PM. Also I’m a 98’ Citadel grad, I don’t do drugs and am not a convicted felon :slight_smile:

Check your pm. My two buddies I hunt with can no longer go this weekend.

PM sent. Looks like I may be hunting midlands tomorrow but I’ll be staying on the Ashepoo starting Sunday (hunting Bear Island WMA starting Monday)