Falling tide tailers

I was wondering if anyone has any tips on fishing the flats on a falling tide. I normally have no problem with reaching a flat before it is flooded and waiting for the fish to enter the flat. However, when I can’t get there in time for the rising tide and instead fish the falling tide on the same stage I can’t really seem to find any fish.

I think that most of the times the fish have a different entrance and exit on the flat (while tide is rising) and I have tried to sit at both the entrance and exit points that I know of and wait for the fish to flush out. However, I can’t seem to find them or perhaps they move out when the water is too deep?

Anyone have any luck or tips or suggestions.

ive found they gen congregate at the falling tide. try and find a deep channel draining the flats (go @ low) and my bet is they will be there. Ive posted this before, but baitfish patterns (needlefish, wink wink) are abs. killer on the falling tide, crabs,chrimp stay much later on da flats. dolphins, bastardo’s, usually give up their best feeding grounds with malicious splashing/etc. and still round up the reds at falling tide. birds also sit at the best crreks for draining bait. deet/beer are needed as a precaution…ive been stuck several beautiful hours on a mud bank with plenty of both and i had a blast…just me though…and before the wife. best o luck, im tired

Good advice from Scotty there. Check the creek channels. Drum don’t wander far from their favored flats. Just remember they are now ambushing baitfish and shrimp, not rooting around on the bottom. Choose your flies and retrieves accordingly.


Originally posted by JoshuaI

Good advice from Scotty there. Check the creek channels. Drum don’t wander far from their favored flats. Just remember they are now ambushing baitfish and shrimp, not rooting around on the bottom. Choose your flies and retrieves accordingly.


Not rooting around on the bottom? Hmmm, the ones I saw in 6" of water the other day didn't get the memo!