Farmers need help from hunters!

Im sure this wont apply to all game zones. I
farm in game zone 5. I encourage those who hunt
please use doe days.

Year after year we continue to see more crops
damaged or destroyed by wildlife. Deperdation
permits have been used over the past 5 years
and the problem seems worse now than before
my nieghbor ever shot under the first is.sued permit.

Im no wildlife hater. Just askinng those who hunt
to think about my family and fellow farmers
families when u watch a half dozen r so antlerless deer
eating your bait pile r food plot, think about what
the deer r doing to our field crops.

Harvest responsibly. Tommy

unless you pay the doe tax you cant kill em but on saturdays and thats for the guys who dont mind shooting them.

I’ll kill em for you. Take them home cut the back strap out or give them to a hungry family. I took one to a colored lady one time and asked her where she wants to put her. She said in the kitchen. About that time five head of yougins came running by and grabed her by the neck and drugged her threw the house blood everywhere and threw her on the kitchen table. Happy as hell because they got to eat that week. Feed a family save a family. To hell with those modified billy goats.

What gets me is if someone actually hunts for meat and not a trophy to put on the wall, A doe is much better to eat IMO. I’ve passed many a nice buck to shoot a Nanny. I save the Bucks for my nephews and nieces. I don’t need any more horns.