Father's day

Tommorow I will go spend the day with my “Daddy”…and I will thank God for this as I so often Do.
When people talk about “treasures” and “richs” and things they have achieved…I think not of the “posessions” we have aquired through the years…but of my family and how Blessed I am.
When people talk of the many places they have traveled…and the wonders they have seen…I think of camping up on the santee river with my momma and daddy … waking to a cold chill in the air…the smell of mom cooking breakfast…and daddy chopping wood.I think of morning sunrises on the water…the smell of the marsh…the sound of water as it rushed past the boat… the cry of gulls overhead. Catching bumble bees and lightening bugs in jars…playing tag in the dark…and hearing the lone sound of a whipper will calling,and then my daddy calling out from the back door telling us it was time to come in.
Riding down the back roads as a little girl , my sister beside me on the back seat…mom and dad laughing in the front…after a trip to georgetown for groceries…and eating a baked chicken and fresh sliced bread from the store on the way home…5 star restaurant stuff for sure.
Trips out to the beach looking for shells…the drone of my daddys shrimp boat engine and the gentle roll of the boat as I watched the outriggers dip slowly to the left…then to the right . Fried fish and stewed tomatoes…the sound of my daddy walking through the house getting ready to go in the creek before the sun had risen. The smell of strong black coffee.
Laughter…lots of laughter.
Family dinners together.
Rides through the woods in the truck as we looked for turkeys and anything else that might cross our path as we traveled down the dirt roads…and long walks together. Later learning how to drive on these same roads…thank goodness the ditches werent very deep. :smiley:Waking mom and daddy at four oclock on Christmas morning…fruit and raisins in our stckings… books and clothes…sleeping bags…flash lights…light brites…e

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Great testimony Penny , I know your dad is oh so proud of you , thanks for the post , both my mom and dad have passed but not a day passes that i don’t think and miss them both…:smiley:

George McDonald
US Navy Seabees,Retired,
MAD, Charleston Chapter

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Thank you!

It’s so very hard to accept the passing of those we love…to fill the emptiness it leaves in your heart and life. It never gets better…we just learn to live with it…to take the memories we have and try to use them as a healing balm for our broken hearts.
So many adventures and memories I shared here that my daddy and I had in the creeks that he loved so much.
Three weeks before he passed Donnie and I took him out to fish for bull whiting in his skiff…and what a day we had. I’ve never caught so many fish in my when life…and will never forget how happy he was.
We catereed to him all day…me even baiting his hook at times…not because he couldnt…but because i wanted to…and him laughing and enjoying the heck out of it…
What a day that was.
He called me at 5a.m. that morning and told us not to rush…that time didn’t matter…that all that mattered was us being together and going fishing
So many times I tried to put words to screen after he passed and I just could not. It was as if saying the words would make me finally accept it as being true that he was gone.
Daddy’s last words to me were that he loved me and that I was waaay better than peas and carrots which he loved…and that I would be ok…and I know that in time I will be.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Man, I have really missed reading your posts about your Daddy. Thank you for sharing this.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” - C.S. Lewis

Originally posted by penfishn

Daddy’s last words to me were that he loved me and that I was waaay better than peas and carrots which he loved…and that I would be ok…and I know that in time I will be.

love you Penny…your words paint a beautiful picture…thank you…Happy Father’s Day to Donnie, and to Bubby too…

The Morris Island Lighthouse www.savethelight.org

Thanks Penny, I always enjoyed the posts about your Dad. You could feel the love in everything you ever said about him. Like you, my father is no longer here with us, in fact he died 2 years ago today. Even at my age, I find myself wishing he were here for all of the obvious reason but also just to ask him things and get his opinion. When I was young, I thought he was an idiot. As I got older, I realized I was actually the idiot. If you father is still with you, spend some time with him, ask him stuff and enjoy his company (your Mom too!).

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads. It’s a tough job but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It’s Hand”, but really, who cares?

The 29th will be 8 months since daddy passed…how can it feel like a eternity and only yesterday too. Going to honor his memory by never forgetting all he taught and told me.

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16

Thank you Penny for sharing your thoughts about your Daddy. It gives me as a daddy of three little girls something to use as an example of what a father should be. I hope one day when they are grown up and my time is up, they will think of me as fondly as you do with your Daddy.

'06 Mckee Craft
184 Marathon
DF140 Suzuki

The Wife and I just got back from sending some shrimp and grits to Mom and Dad + his fathers day gift…

Guess I’m getting too emotional in my new found older age, I got a little teary eyed from your pics of you and your Dad.

Hope All the Dads out there have a great day!!! Remember to cherish every moment!

I miss seeing your dad on the creeks and in the village. I grew up crabbing around him and he was just the nicest person. Saw your parents about 3 months before he passed. Sorry I couldn’t make the service. Jeremy Creek just aint the same without him.

Thank you so much for your kind words. My life isn’t the same without him either#128554;

miss’n fish’n

Sea Squirt 16